Reviews for Pensieri Di Voi
coffeechips chapter 4 . 11/3/2017
You write great fics for this fandom. Your fics either leave me rolling over with laughter or feeling a little more warmed-up inside. I applaud your effort to give the minor characters their time to shine. Along with the other characters, you manage to analyze their thought processes and emotions, and convey them in your writing.

I do hope that you are faring well in life. I will always be a fan of your works
BlindieMac chapter 4 . 5/20/2016
This was really good! I especially loved the last chapter!
Sanauria Maldhun chapter 4 . 8/10/2014
This chapter was great!
Regent Septimus chapter 4 . 2/23/2014
Well you've certainly caught my interest. I read this and your 'Seven Sins' stories and I must say that your skill in writing is very rare to come across; everything being written so flawlessly and meaningfully. I applaud your abilities, truly I do.
This fourth chapter really got me - not to say that I didn't enjoy the others, mind you. You really display Tsuna kind and selfless character to an amazing extent, I'd like to see more like this and the second on Shamal. I just love these little family moments and the delicate bonds that Tsuna builds up will all of these people.
I'll be in touch, hope to see more from you!
devilsama666 chapter 4 . 2/22/2014
Wow, very good. So selfless and cute ! I particulary love the end . Good job like always ! Keep it up !
lazyass out !
Ellaina Fiore chapter 4 . 2/22/2014
Awww...Tsuna is just so sweet. Figures though that he would have to bake his own cake. His family would more likely blow up the kitchen than be able to make him one.
Rosenmaedchen chapter 3 . 11/24/2013
love it
Tech Savvy chapter 3 . 11/5/2013
wow... This fic is just... wow...
Thank you for posting this!
Bleach-ed-Na-tsu chapter 3 . 10/28/2013
Oh wow...I absolutely adore this, the way it's written the pure emotion in everything, the reasoning behind it all. It is so perfectly Bianchi that it almost hurts.
I actually read this aloud and it sounded, almost like a spoken-work poem and it was beautiful, thank you.
Bleach-ed-Na-tsu chapter 2 . 10/28/2013
I have never read a more beautiful, true to form description and narrative explanation of all that is Shamal. I've never read something and felt it really /was/ the character speaking so much as this.
Thus chapter is beautiful and amazing and gosh it gave me shivers.
That last section, in bold, really, really inspired and touched me.
xanyxhi chapter 3 . 10/27/2013
I keep having mixed feelings in this chapter. I just loved the way you described how Bianchi felt.
Oh, Tsuna, you poor, oblivious thief. How could you!
But hey! Bianchi can't really complain, I mean, she gets to see her brother almost as daily basis, and gets to live under the same roof as her beloved. True, she no longer lives the way she was used to, nor she does what she did for life, but hey! Tsuna will "steal" more until she can no longer tell what exactly he stole from her since the list would be so ridiculously long she will stop caring. Or at least I see it that way

Thank you for the new chapter! I loved it!

Oh, yes, I would bother, you know. I hope everything is alright on your side. And I kind of feel what you might be saying, I've been "absent" for a while in what I have around here and there, and well, I guess life happens.
Take care!
detrametal chapter 3 . 10/27/2013
hmmm...a bit darker than I thought it would be but good none the less
Rikka-tan chapter 3 . 10/27/2013
Awwwww it can't be help since it was Tsuna :)
He didn't even need to do anything, and still people will come to him v
I'm really happy for your comeback!
Starry twilight chapter 2 . 10/21/2013
This is quite the fic you have here.

First of all, this writing is beautiful. As simple as that.
Second, the plot of this fic is inspiring that makes me rethink about it every day.
And as the third item... The portrayal of the characters is just stunning.

Excellent work and I hope you'll update.
Rikka-tan chapter 2 . 7/15/2013
I always love stories like this, especially if it was from another characters' POV about our ever beloved sky :D
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