Reviews for The Past, The Future, and The Present
Prabhleen Arora chapter 18 . 7/6
Amazing Story
Guest chapter 2 . 6/25
I really don't think Snape would ask a strange teen if she knew magic. He might say something like, "Do you know what a Wingardium Leviosa is?" which is an odd question, but doesn't offend the secrecy laws or make a Muggle girl think he is crazy. He might be an eccentric biologist studying rare Wingardium Leviosa butterflies or something.
httpswww.fanf chapter 19 . 12/3/2019
a me mie piaciuta molto
Guest chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
At the previous guest: according to TaxiPriceCompare a trip from Oxted, Surrey to Dudley in the West Midlands (locations in the same regional areas where Privet Drive and Spinners End might be) costs a minimum of £230 and takes about three and a half hours, which is quite the trip for Petunia, young Harry, and Hermione to make by taxi. I'm surprised that Petunia would take a cab, when her upper-middle class status ought to mean that she own a car herself and be able to drive the full way to the West Midlands, and even if she didn't, the train would probably be cheaper. I would be surprised that Hermione even has that much money with her, but her transfiguration skills mean that she could convert anything to money and become the richest person on the planet.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/10/2019
How much does it cost to take a taxi from Surrey to the West Midlands?
CleoViolet chapter 19 . 10/13/2018
Really loved this story! Was such a great easy read. Ever thought of doing drabbles of the shapes and Harry’s time at Hogwarts as I would love to read them!
heymaycosta chapter 18 . 8/31/2018
Very sweet story. Thanks for sharing!
SNL31 chapter 10 . 8/29/2018
The overuse of the word dunderheads is tiresome
Guest chapter 10 . 4/19/2018
Blame the mismatch of dates on Hermione - she could have had it with her when she travelled back in time
Guest chapter 10 . 3/22/2018
"It never occurred to either one of them that a door would be practically meaningless if was always left open."
Guest chapter 18 . 3/3/2018
Cooties are only an American/Canadian phenomenon - here in the UK we have something similar but it's called lurgi or lurgy.
Guest chapter 16 . 3/3/2018
So, Tonks has had Severus as a professor, which means that it must be at least fall of 1984 when Hermione went back in time, as Tonks only joined Hogwarts in the fall of 1984. But you described Harry Potter as a toddler when Hermione went back in time, which means that he could only be at maximum three years old - which means that it could only be at the latest spring of 1983 when she went back in time, as Harry was born in the summer of 1980. Could you fix this discrepancy in the story?
J.J.88 chapter 19 . 2/27/2018
I really love your writing and have read this as well as Come Back to Me more than twice. The way you drive your story is very interesting and fresh. I love your stories a lot. Thank you for taking your time and writing these wonderful stories.
robituputup chapter 18 . 6/13/2017
Great fic! It could have had a bit of lemons :P but nevertheless it's lovely. Thank you!
Mrs O S chapter 18 . 11/4/2016
It was a very nice story.
Thank you from France!
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