Reviews for Wilting Roses
aviesee chapter 14 . 3/5
Wow, this was written 2014, I wonder if you have re-written it.
I'll look for it. hope I find it...
Guest chapter 14 . 7/20/2019
Please do continue the story! I fell in love with it as I read it.
Guest chapter 14 . 6/5/2017
Please uodate... where are you?
magicofantasy chapter 14 . 11/7/2015
Seriously , whenever you are ready please cuz I want to know the rest of the story
Trina sexxy chapter 1 . 6/29/2015
Love this please finish
gummy b3ars chapter 14 . 6/15/2015
i loved this story, pls continue it.
SodaPop chapter 14 . 2/1/2015
I hope you continue with this story, and choose not to abandon it. I really like it! Keep going please!
NCA chapter 1 . 12/7/2014
I thought the one Guest review might be overly critical, but holy crap they were spot on. I'll give them praise that they made it to chapter 7. That's when I glanced at your other stories and it all made sense. Yet another author who have only written Sasuke/Sakura stories tries their hand at a Naruto/Hinata one. This is the result, a story that's mostly about Sasuke/Sakura and as with most Sasuke/Sakura stories Naruto is made to be the idiot of the lot.

Just stick to your Sasuke/Sakura ones because you fail miserably at writing a Naruto/Hinata one. What's even worse is that it's labeled that they're the main characters when in reality they're side characters playing second fiddle to your two favorite ones.

In case you forgot. You do realize that when you label it as such i.e Naruto and Hinata in the main character slot it should really be as such. Since Sasuke/Sakura aren't labeled at all their appearance plot wise and chapter wise should be really limited, right? Instead we get them almost every paragraph of every chapter. Sure I'm blowing it out of proportion just a tad, but you get the point right?

Doesn't help that the summary reads like a Twitard wannabe knock-off as well.
koolkidSwaggy chapter 14 . 12/8/2014
You shouldn't rewrite it is really good
you should just update
Wondering Knight chapter 14 . 12/7/2014
Why rewrite it? It's really good and you should just keep going.
Kitsuri Mizuka chapter 14 . 12/7/2014
To be honest, I don't even remember how is the plot going because you haven't updated for so long. But I always remember the titles of fanfictions I find to be one of the best I've read! So I'm going to reread this fanfiction and please don't abandon it! ;;;; I know this must've been a really good fic bc I remembered the title lol so please please pleaaaaseeee don't abandon this story I'll be looking forward to updates okay :D
jojo07 chapter 14 . 12/6/2014
Hello! I hope you remember me because I sure as hell remember you. Babez, why are you going to rewrite it? Honestly I find nothing-no mistakes-that should push you into doing a rewrite. I find everything perfect, the plot, the characters, and I. love. it. If you want the plot to be impactful then you have a lot of time to build up to it. I love the way you're building up the suspense and plot and characters. But that's my opinion and at the end the only one who can change your story is you. So that's my insight into it. I was really happy when I saw this because at least you're thinking about it. Write back soon. Take care. Ja ne.
MusicLover463 chapter 14 . 12/6/2014
I really love the story as it is, but if you're not really happy with how it's going then I would go with rewriting it. Rewriting the story is better than not having it at all. Even if you rewrite the story I'm sure it will still be fantastic.
carmenie chapter 14 . 12/6/2014
I would rather you rewrite this story and not abandon it.
nanami-shihouin18 chapter 13 . 12/2/2014
please update I really love this
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