Reviews for Of Chains and Flowers
LumiaTenshi chapter 12 . 5/23
he mated and knotted her...
hooray for Danzo but uh-oh for Kyuubi.. why?
LumiaTenshi chapter 11 . 5/23
Aaww.. Kyuubi truly cares for him..

it's good that she's able to convey what she feels for him be it emotionally and sexually.

Girl.. curiosity got her. hahahaha

Mind that Kyuubi got front seat of that action.. i wonder what he's thinking? hahahaha
LumiaTenshi chapter 9 . 5/22
the bracelet problem is solved!

Kyuubi's apprehension towards Sakura is a good thing because he is capable of knowing the difference between love and sympathy. I like how Sakura didn't just go with the pressure of admitting her love for Naruto and that she's able to discern her care and love for him.

To me, it seems that Kyuubi and Sakura are more alike.

Heat periods... can't blame Naruto acting like that due to pheromones.
LumiaTenshi chapter 8 . 5/22
hmm... ok... just wondering, why would Sakura still wear that gadget when it doesn't have its supposed purpose?

Iruka saddened that Naruto showed his human side and willingly standing up against Danzou. T_T
LumiaTenshi chapter 7 . 5/22
Kabuto seemed like a formidable matchmaker. He really is intent in making sure that Naruto and Sakura have an offspring. hahahaha

Yes, i like that they're basically leaving them alone for many months.
LumiaTenshi chapter 6 . 5/22
i have to say, i like the fact that Sakura was startled and afraid when they woke her and just grab and pushed her to calm Naruto and that she's really afraid of her life. I love how realistic that part seemed.

I mean, who in their goddamn mind would willingly go to a raging beast and calm him when you were just abruptly woken?! hahahaha

I love how she instantly just help him to escape as that what she truly feels for him, freedom for once.

I find it endearing how Kyuubi agreed easily that Sakura is a worthy mate and that he'll also protect her. It's sooo sweet!
LumiaTenshi chapter 5 . 5/22
Danzou wants a weapon of mass destruction..

weapon of mass destruction of babies... he's such a grandpa. hahahaha!

Oh.. so that's why Naruto looks like that because of Kyuubi. At least he's able to help him and somehow became the logical attribute of Naruto.
LumiaTenshi chapter 4 . 5/22
"Flower, please don't hurt Naruto." - i wanna hug him! oh poor baby! T_T

Good thing she punched and kicked Kiba and Sasuke for acting that way. hahahaha
LumiaTenshi chapter 3 . 5/22
Aawww... he's soooo adorable! and they're soooo cute together!

I'm actually surprised that his "den" is actually livable.
rainingplatinum445 chapter 21 . 5/14
As man, I thought they would be reunited! But I like where this chapter went and I am excited to see where it goes in the next chapter! Update soon!
rainingplatinum445 chapter 19 . 5/14
Oh no Sakura!
I am stopping this chapter binge to review!
I remember reading this fic back when I was just getting into fanfiction. And to my surprise, you uploaded!
Thanks for that! I love what I am reading so far!
waldo071 chapter 21 . 5/11
Awww, I was hoping for Naruto to rescue Sakura and show them all what happens to anyone who gets between him and her. Please update soon, my anxiety won't go down until Sakura is safe and back with Naruto.
LightBrothers chapter 21 . 5/11
I need the next chapter, too much suspense for my body, damn Kurama save Sakura and your puppies! SHANNAROOOOO !
Wes1382 chapter 21 . 5/11
Freaking amazing chapter.
te.nellis chapter 21 . 5/10
Epic. Keep it up!
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