Reviews for Blood and Iron
Leina the fan chapter 7 . 12/8/2017
Random Coincidence: I few hours before I read this AN about Lizzie’s name, my friend was telling me about Pride and Prejudice, which she is currently reading.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/13/2016
So much yes...just so much.
FandomRecs chapter 16 . 4/15/2016
I love Gajeel and Levy together. They are so cute, and this was an absolutely amazing way to end the story! I love this and some of your other works as well.

I especially loved how you included other people's point of views besides Gajeel and Levy's. Good job! :)
Ravena Wolfborn chapter 16 . 1/3/2016
this was AMAZING!
Guest chapter 9 . 12/28/2015
Damn right he is.
Erzatscarlett chapter 16 . 12/9/2015
Hey I just finished blood and iron and it was awesome! Sorry I haven't been reading and reviewing as much. Been busy.
Cardfighter By Maple chapter 16 . 12/5/2015
Make a sequel please!
ink7blot chapter 9 . 10/30/2015
Oh I love it. It was reading this story at about chapter 5 that made me think "Damn. If Fairy Tail had been a dark guild for any reason at all, then all of Fiore, no all the WORLD would be in some serious hell right now."

Anyway, I get the feeling that you read Lucy's profile on the wikia (not because I read it too, psh, whadda ya talkin' bout . . . okay so maybe I took a little peek at it). And although I don't understand the whole feel of her being some kind of beetch, I can understand the vanity. But Lucy's a Fairy through and through and she's just as passionate as the rest.
Arwein13 chapter 16 . 10/18/2015
Amazing fic! I love it:good plot, addictive and Levy is Levy and Gajeel is Gajeel, not OCC. Chapter 11 is my favourite, very original. Congratulations.
Canadian Aspiring Author chapter 16 . 10/12/2015
Have you ever found a fic that's set in the same universe as the actual story, with a great plot, good grammar, and the CHARACTERS ARE IN CHARACTER and you follow it and after it's done you just sit there like, "I know it's not canon because it doesn't coincide with what happened/is happening with canon events, but it's SO CANON", as if it were written by the author themselves and leaves you wanting more even though the ending was perfect and nothing was really left out except that for your own imagination and it deserves FANART of its own and it's just THAT FIC that you always come back to and leaves you a broken ball of feels?

Yeah, congrats. This is THAT FIC. You win.
just-a-bubbly-person chapter 16 . 10/1/2015
Haha! I FOUND IT. Been looking for this fanfic after I saw it when the roof thingy happened, and happily can say this was awesome and wrapped up really nicely. I love your way of portraying Gajeel and Levy throughout the entire story, and while them eloping didn't come to mind at first, it now seems a very Gajeel and Levy thing to do and I love it. Thank you for your story, now off to bed for me as I accidently stayed up to 2am on a school night, but it was totally worth it.
Narwhalnel chapter 16 . 9/17/2015
Ah i loved it
although I feel like it was kind of a cop-out in the end with the other couples but it was super good writing nonetheless!
Narwhalnel chapter 5 . 9/17/2015
This story is so great and captivating! I'm eating it up~
WaitingGermanluver1 chapter 16 . 9/13/2015
RackleRosie44 chapter 16 . 9/12/2015
I enjoyed this story immensely and hope that you continue to amaze.
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