Reviews for Evil Ways
Practicly angelic chapter 1 . 4/5/2004
I love it but I know maybe this is just me and my insanity but can you add a bit more of Moby? That's just a stupid request though so I don't exactly expect you to do. Anyway,I love this very good and please continue or I'll probably explode...
hello desperado chapter 1 . 11/23/2003
Wow, this story was fucking awesome! Especially because the three main chracters were JP, Marisol (my two favorites) AND Seeiah. That's amazing, lol. Also, it was like, the perfect mix of romance, humor & drama. Kickass!
Vivi FF chapter 7 . 8/22/2003
Great story! Funny too! You made Marisol too evil... I wonder how long JP/Elise will last... Not very long. Heh, great story, I enjoyed it!
BonusParts chapter 3 . 8/5/2002
Loved Mac's inner monologue about Kaori and cute girls everywhere.
BonusParts chapter 2 . 8/5/2002
Nice banter between Zoe and Elise, and good characterization from Seeiah. This is coming along fine!
BonusParts chapter 1 . 8/5/2002
JP and Marisol really are perfect for each other. I'm glad someone picked up on the idea that they used to be together, and made a story out of it. This reads pretty well - the only critique I have is that you should watch your punctuation, especially in the dialogue. I'm interested to see where this goes, though!
Aiyh-Sa chapter 7 . 8/5/2002
Wow, that was a good story! Do a sequel, please! Have Elise and JP get together or something, and include that Adam guy more-maybe make him a newbie in the league! Nice work! Get another story started soon please! :)
Star of Light chapter 7 . 7/29/2002
okay, this story was great overall, but i think you finished it off waaaay too fast. And did you get the idea for Psy's dick piercing from Jynk's fic? j/w... cuz she did that in Cachez-Moi Loin: Lonely.
SSX Tricky Ruler chapter 7 . 7/22/2002
O.K... JP IS MINE NOW HE'S SINGLE! Ha, ha... Hey good story man! Uhm, about that sex thingy... is your imagination goes a lil' too much... you know...

Devilish Kurumi chapter 7 . 7/22/2002
"I'm sorry I'm not that type of guy." JP said. "I'm not gay."

*grins* I wouldn't be too sure of that... I mean... He's hot, and he's not taken, and you know the saying "All hot guys are either gay or taken." soooo... *grins* I'm glad you din' put him back with the Latina chick! I like it!
Star of Light chapter 6 . 7/21/2002
"Well, so it's settled. Ok, well this was fun. Thanks for the booze but I got to go. You know, I have to get my mullet trimmed." Luther said as he flung a stray piece of hair off his shoulder. "When it gets too long I start to shed."

LoL! that was hysterical! I loved it! but waht happened to Psy? ooops hehe, sry I'm a Psy-fanatic. lol. can't wait for the next installment
Devilish Kurumi chapter 6 . 7/20/2002
Mmmmm... JP in a towel... *nods* I approve.
Rayne18 chapter 6 . 7/20/2002
cool chapter. You can make it as long as you want, but its a great story, so the longer the better!

Jay P chapter 5 . 7/18/2002
For: Star Of Light

Thanks for the review, and thatnks everyone else too! You guys are the only reason I keep writing. But anyway, ya I meant that Marisol did a Misty and then added a back flip after she did a Misty. I guess that was my fault I should have been more clear! Sorry!
Star of Light chapter 5 . 7/18/2002
"Well, we didn't eat at the hotel either. JP let me actually ride in his Viper! And then we went to this café where we had this really freaky talk and- OUCH!" yelped Mac as JP elbowed his side. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM BRO?" he screamed and then the reason hit Mac. "Oh, oh yeah!" he winked at JP. "We didn't talk, I just ate doughnuts and you drank coffee. Gotcha!" JP sighed at Mac's idiocy and sat down next to Zoe.

heh, that was good. the whole chapter was good, actually except for one thing: a Misty is a Fron Flip with a front side 540. A misty with a backflip would be called a Rodeo.
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