Reviews for Eternity
TheSlayer96 chapter 11 . 10/27/2017
I’ve never seen this movie before, but now I feel I must watch it! It was an amazing story! I LOVE ALL YOUR STORIES
Ghostwriter chapter 11 . 7/11/2013
Awesome work. Catch ya on the flip side.
GNatGirl13 chapter 11 . 5/20/2013
You have a lot of potential here but I don't think you took full advantage of it here. The majority of the story is the movie just with name changes. The only times you really used the Buffy characters, and let your own writing show, where in the few added/extended scenes. You didn't even have them talk like Buffy characters, speech patterns or language. Faith/Jaqulene is the only character who you really did anything with. I don't expect you to completely rewrite a story because of one review but I hope this can help you in developing future stories. I did have fun reading it.
anny2010 chapter 11 . 11/11/2012
im mad sad happy grossed out so many emotions i can not even describe.
Melissa chapter 11 . 11/5/2012
I really liked this. It's super awesome. I also really hope you might take this in to consideration, but could you write mabye a little one shot. On them when they're in the palace, being awesome. I love this story, so I want more. Please!?
SpyAgent001 chapter 6 . 10/7/2012
Nice reference to David Boreanaz in there. Funny.
I like this story. Fluffy chapters are very nice. :D

RRHSram11 chapter 11 . 10/1/2012
This entire story is so sweet and awesome. If I can tell u something. U should post a sequal that tells of the time just after that dance. Show a lot of romance and love, if u know what I mean. Show their first child and everything. Please consider, because showing what happens the night after the dance and so on will show more of their love and passion and everything.
I so love this story. When I started reading it I couldn't stop. I think that this should be turned into a movie and everyone would love it. AWESOME JOB! ANGEL AND BUFFY 4EVER!
ba2006 chapter 11 . 9/23/2012
Bloody fantastic rewrite :) Im really sorry I havnt reviewed this fic as been so busy. look forward to the next one :)
bradsan92 chapter 11 . 9/21/2012
great story.
I didn't know what to think about it when I read the first chapter. I though Cinderella come on. I'm glad I gave it a chance and read the whole story.

another thing I love stories where Faith and Buffy get along.

good job
SpyAgent001 chapter 1 . 9/14/2012
I've haven't seen this movie either! Oh well.
Good chapter. Sad, but good. Jenny is evil and Hank was nice. Evil stepmother...
Darn, no Angel in this chapter :(

Angellufy chapter 11 . 9/9/2012
Oh man! Loved it. You made me cry. Your touch turned the end a lot mire beautiful.
Angellufy chapter 10 . 9/9/2012
That is the thing that I love about Ever After. The Damsel in distresss ended up saving herself, but still got the Prince. Ehehehehehe

Loved the chap. We never saw what happened between Buffy buyer's house and the moment the Baronese was in the palace. Good to see they saying I love you.
Angellufy chapter 9 . 9/9/2012
Yep! I soo know he will forgive Buffy. Going to read the next chap.
Angellufy chapter 8 . 9/9/2012
Now, I bet there will be Riley on the way. So, I'm going to read the other chaps.
bebe2580 chapter 11 . 9/9/2012
You did an amazing job with this, though sometimes I would have loved to see more of the interactions that were so natural to Buffy and Angel, but the effort is clearly see in those dialogues you included!
The writing was beautiful, and easy to follow, but even if the story was based on the movie, and I know perhaps you wanted to stick to that canon and still be faithful to B&A, it would have been so nice to see a bit more of them as Buffy learned how to be a princess, how her gentle nature would have to reconcile with a position of power, but I loved how you linked this ending with the actual beginning and end of the movie...
Well done, and I would definitely love seeing another adaption of those fluffy romantic movies done by your hand!
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