Reviews for The Luxury Of Knowing
Flavorfangirl chapter 2 . 8/21
Woah, my review got cut in half, so I'm just gonna continue here.
The only times Johanna Mason made friends were when she had suffered with them and known them for ling periods of time. She seems very out-of-character throughout this, and Katniss as well.
Keep in mind that this is a great story, except for a few minor grammar and spelling errors (and the ones I pointed out here. Remember that this review is not made to insult the author, but instead writen to help become a better author.
Flavorfangirl chapter 1 . 8/20
Ok, I know I'm late, but here we go:
-before you start reading this, keep in mind that this is a review, and reviews on this site are meant to use constructive criticism in order to make the story better, and they are not intended for extreme praise or hatred, and this review is just my thoughts on how to make this better-
Let's begin, for real this time.
- Finn jr. would be 15 years older, and that would make it plain awkward with him as the love interest.
- Hope is way to perfect of a character, she doesn't have enough flaws to make her a very likeable or relatable character.
- That little bit about Finn and Tessa not having storms where they live is scientifically impossible, at least for Finn. District Four is on the East coast, around Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. I can tell you, as a person from that area, that Tropical storms over here are terrifying and happen fairly often (especially in Hurricane season). Also, District Four is a fishing district, and they are right on the beach front, and flooding would probably occur frequently.
- Finn and Hunter becoming best Friends would be... very odd, to say the least. Them being four years apart would mean a 4 year old playing with an 8 year old. Especially if they were best friends since they were kids.
- Where did James come from? I just can't see Johanna Mason falling helplessly in love with someone. I mean, I understand that love has no boundaries, but I have a hard time believing that. She is demonstrated to have trust issues and be unapproachable (most of the time) and the only times she made friends were when she had suffered together with someone and known them fot
michelle.gymnast804 chapter 36 . 5/8
I loved this story!
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 13 . 3/6
Finnick was a career tribute. He volunteered.
Guest chapter 36 . 10/14/2019
This is such a good story! It made me cry at one point, any story that makes me cry is okay in my book.
Kai13 chapter 36 . 9/27/2019
This was just amazing. A few grammar and spelling errors here and there, but I really enjoyed this.
Xianxia4ever chapter 20 . 9/8/2019
I‘m sorry to say this but the reactions from the children are just too cringy for me to read further
The Amol chapter 12 . 4/22/2019
This is interesting premise though not Canon compliant.
Finnick and Annie's son was born when Katniss was 17 years old. After war ended it took about 15 years for Peeta to convince Katniss about kids. That is one huge plot point in books : Katniss being afraid to have kids. She was extremely depressed to have kids just after war.
Katniss was in her thirties when she had her daughter. That makes Finnick and Annie's son at least 15 years older than her.
You made them too close in age. If Hope is 16 years olds then Finnick Jr should be in his thirties.
Another thing I would like to point out is mood swinging and tone deafness . They are watching kids murdering each other. They are not randomly going to tease each or smirk at each other while watching it. They most definitely are not going to flirt with each other. They are not sociopaths. Honestly romance angle cheapens the story. This story needs to be serious one given the topic.
PlatinumDonuts chapter 2 . 3/13/2019
Wait, shouldn't Finnick be like 15 years older than Hope?
Slytherin Princess Nysa chapter 36 . 1/21/2019
Overall very good, I liked all the technical OCs in here.
Slytherin Princess Nysa chapter 33 . 1/20/2019
Don’t you love it when your boyfriend is talking about how hot he is and you’re just like ‘can we just watch the murder games please?’ Because same
Slytherin Princess Nysa chapter 30 . 1/20/2019
You make the mistake of saying ‘seen’ for every time you mean saw, seeing, see

Honestly this needs like a hard hit edit
Slytherin Princess Nysa chapter 27 . 1/20/2019
I really don’t see how Hope was ‘acting like a brat’, her parents literally shoved everything into the back of their closet and just planned on never telling them about anything. Sis that ain’t it.
Slytherin Princess Nysa chapter 26 . 1/20/2019
Honestly I’d be really pissed with them for not telling me anything about the Games, all of those kids, more than 1,700 children deadall wanting to go home to a better world, and Katniss and the others choose to bury them in a dusty closet ? That’s so shameful of them, those kids deserve to be remembered and I would be so ashamed of my parents if they hid something like that. Let’s not even talk about how since none of the kids knew, their parents probably didn’t let them go to school or socialize with other people.
Slytherin Princess Nysa chapter 25 . 1/20/2019
I just realized that you never included the victor interview or the crowning
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