Reviews for Audrey Potter's Prelude
Sam.HoranTurtleDuck chapter 14 . 11/20/2019
My heart broke with that one last letter from Draco
Sam.HoranTurtleDuck chapter 2 . 11/16/2019
Sam.HoranTurtleDuck chapter 20 . 11/14/2019
OMG I LOVRD LOVED LOVED THIS! After finishing GEM, I’m re-reading the whole thing while reading this little entries in between for a wider perspective of the story and WOW, I simply loved this one! I really wish there were more snippets of 1994, though.
Thanks for being such an awesome writer!
Sam.HoranTurtleDuck chapter 15 . 11/14/2019
I’m re-reading the whole Green Eyed Monster story, while reading this in between and I’m loving it. Thanks for your beautiful writing!
Guest chapter 20 . 9/21/2019
These are amazing! I love seeing the snippets from another persons eyes, it really brings more perspective and helps shape the story. I would love it if you could write, from anyone’s perspective, what happened after Audrey stabbed herself. It would be nice to know what happened after the final battle, when Harry seemingly destroyed Voldy Shorts for good. I also loved chapter 8 of Audrey Potter’s prelude, when it was from Sirius’s perspective in the hospital wing, with Draco and Audrey after the Department of Mysteries. It was the saddest fan fiction I’ve ever read, and that’s saying something. The last line... left me with the chills. You are an amazing author, and I, as well as others, would love you to expand on your work!
SlytherinSam chapter 20 . 6/9/2019
I don't know if you saw my first review on your story, but...please continue to give us more insight on it. I truly love reading much as I hate to admit. It keeps me going every day...thanks...
ImaginativeReader174 chapter 20 . 5/6/2019
This chapter was so cute and because of that it made the last GEM chapter heart breaking. I’ll be completely honest, in the originals I do not like Snape. I’m not a person who hates him (I understand that if it weren’t for him everyone would be dead), but I don’t like /him/ as a person. Your version of Snape I like better, he feels less like a bitter man stuck in the past and he feels more willing to move forward. Plus I really love his relationship with Draco and Audrey :p. I felt like I needed to get that out of the way before I said anything else.

The fact that Snape thought of Audrey as a daughter makes me feel a whole bunch of emotions, especially since the LAST CHAPTER! The fact that he kept convincing himself that it was okay when he bought the dress robes was so sweet. Now that I know that Snape thinks of Audrey as a daughter, I think I might change my idea of the ending because if Snape knew Audrey would end up dying, I don’t think he would have stood for it.

This was a cute, bittersweet chapter that I really enjoyed reading and that almost made me cry because of Snape’s feelings. Thank you for it and I hope you have a good day (or night).

crazyhappyneko chapter 20 . 5/5/2019
Heyyyyyyyy thank you for the shout out! 3 Aaaaand this chapter too. This is a very emotional chapter. It's not tear-jerking but there's something about reading Snape's thoughts and how he feels about Drea that makes my heart ache a little bit for Snape. I always think of him as a Downer Dan and that annoys me which is why the line "wouldn't it kill you to be nice for once" is perfect.

Also I like how you have us an update with Snape as the highlight considering that the next chapters you will upload in GEM is most definitely will break our hearts for Snape.
Royalteeeya chapter 20 . 5/5/2019
This was so beautiful my heart is breaking over the last GEM chapter all over again.
Silver Hydrangea chapter 20 . 5/5/2019
Loving Snape’s pov from the ball! Draco obliviousness is so cute here hahaha. Thank you for the chapter! More please!
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 20 . 5/5/2019
I love having a snape chapter!
Sunflower Dream chapter 19 . 5/4/2019
Y’know, reading this, all I can think about are parallels with the Nazi regime.

This was a really well-written chapter. It seems like a double-edged sword to read about Hogwarts under the Snape era. You want to know...but at the same time, you don’t.
Alpaca chapter 20 . 5/4/2019
It’s so nice to see Snape taking up good, fun hobbies such as rose bush deconstruction and parenting and being alive. Thanks for the lovely chapter as always
monkeybaby chapter 20 . 5/4/2019
Littlecosma001 chapter 20 . 5/4/2019
honestly, at this point im positive that my favorite chapters are the ones from snape's point of view as he watches over audrey in his own way :D it'd be kind of cool to see one from her kneazle's point of view, it would certainly switch things up haha or even Harry's point of view, or sirius's! :)
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