Reviews for Kingdoms of Chaos
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 12 . 9/30
Poor Blitz and Shadow. Good for Amy and Sonic on that date, though.
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 11 . 9/28
Boy, oh, boy, the love triangle with Amy, Sonic and Scourge is a doozy, but excitin'!
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 10 . 9/26
Out of the fryin' pan and into the fire.
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 9 . 9/24
I knew there was somethin' shifty about that LL. The fiend! (And the romantic scene was great, FYI).
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 8 . 9/15
A very interesting love triangle, indeed. And such a horrifying nightmare!
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 7 . 9/14
Shadow in a former relationship? Yeowza! D : (Though I do mean that in an intriguin' way, of course). And the Tails in here is just as sweet and reliable as ever, so's your character Blitz.
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 6 . 9/12
I sure loved how terrified and humiliated the Wilders were! 3 Even though I still have doubts with LL, it's nice that Amy got to see justice. And Knuckles makin' a toy for Amy. Too adorable! Love that amulet she has, too.
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 5 . 9/11
Huh, Blitz's background story is surely an interesting one, including Shadow's, especially Shadow's. Now LL, I'm still havin doubts about...
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 4 . 9/10
Yeah, there really isn't somethin' right with LL. Nice to see Cream as Amy's attendant, even better her childhood friend Knux is in this with her.
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 3 . 9/9
How exhilarating! From the beginning to the last.
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 2 . 9/8
Knux actin' like a big brother. Now, who in their right mind wouldn't love that? 3 Comrade's Leonardo an interesting character, to say the least.
The Ever-Dreaming Kitten chapter 1 . 9/7
Gotta say, it's a pleasant surprise to see Amy and Knuckles friends. ️
Choli-Chan chapter 14 . 11/15/2019
I WANT MORE OF THIS ENTICING STORY. Please update. PLEASE update this wonderful story, you've been doing an amazing work so far, the details are amazing and reading it it's all so... addicting! Recommended story 100%!
Choli-Chan chapter 9 . 11/15/2019
Wow and I was even having a huge liking to LL... To perfect to be true I suppose...
NakimaSabeminth chapter 14 . 8/27/2019
Ohhh the awful horrible things I would do to continue reading this story ),:
I dream about this one, it's so great.
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