Reviews for Journey to hell
Guest chapter 8 . 12/1/2012
Hurry uP and update this story is so good please continue I love this so much :D
Scarlet daydreamer chapter 8 . 11/18/2012
Who will buy Lovino now? 0.0
And do you think that you could start putting the translations at the bottom? It's incredibly painful to read the grammatically awful Fail google translate version every time someone says something in German or another language that I suck at.
XxWanderingxOtakuXx chapter 7 . 10/14/2012
Feli is alive! :D I'm so happy!
12345abcde chapter 7 . 10/13/2012
You should really add the translations with the other languages, or at least be more generic with what they're saying,then put up an explanation with it. I know a little German, but I can barly get the jist of what they're saying even with Google Translate. Also, it's reBOUGHT, not reBUYED. That little mistake caught my eye.
Otherwise, great job!
12345abcde chapter 6 . 10/13/2012
I don't get why there are not more reviews on this, because it's a really great story line so far. Unless the WHOLE thing is just about finding his brother, then you might want to add another little plot.
XxWanderingxOtakuXx chapter 6 . 9/27/2012
I can feel Feli getting closer. :3
XxWanderingxOtakuXx chapter 5 . 9/17/2012
What happened to Feli?! D:
silver lillie chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
Sheesh not a very good priest if he was shooing away begging kids.
Scarlet daydreamer chapter 5 . 9/11/2012
Was the wire supposed to be a booby trap so that anyone trying to steal the weapons would choke or have their neck sliced? Hehe potato bastard is an idiot.
Lokiitama chapter 3 . 9/1/2012
Hi ! French being my mother tongue ( No I'm not French, I'm Belgian *troll face* ) I need... I craaaave to tell you that google translate is NOT GOOD. At all.

I understand that when you don't know the language, it's pretty difficult ( Don't worry, I use google translate, too ;) )

But ! When you have someone who speaks French over here *points herself*, je préfère corriger tes erreurs

1. If I understand correctly... Romano's a slave, right ? There's no need for Francis to call him like an adult, no less. But that's right that in English, 'you' is for both kids and adults. In French, we have others things. 'Tu' is for kids and person which we are close - or being ultra malpolite - and 'Vous' is when you talk to someone who's a stranger to you, or a groupe of persons.

2. Let's begin, shall we ?

"Be careful !" is, indeed, said like 'Soyez prudents' but when there's a 'S' on the 'Prudent' it means that it's for two or more people. And since it's Francis to Romano, and that Romano is considered as a brat from Francis, ( and that he's a slave ), it's : "Sois prudent !"

"Damien" well, I learned something from you over here ( 'm so sorry, but I didn't like my latin course back then. I was sleeping in class... Well, the teacher wasn't helping either... )

"Clean up" actually, "Nettoyer" is the infinitive. ( Like you it's 'to' be, 'to' have, 'to' do. ) with the same pronunciation, "Nettoyez" is used for, again, stranger that we considers as egals or that we have respect for, or for a group. For Francis and Romano, it's "Nettoie !"

"Idiot"... actually that's right, but we use, us too, an 'Idiot'. It's just pronunced differently. 'Imbécile' isn't that used anymore... at least alone. We like adding an adjective from time to time...

"Para" I don't think I ever read this word. So I guess this isn't French.

"I'm going back to France." Again, the verb is at the infinitive, "à la" isn't the correct preposition. And this is not even the good verb... Corrected one is : "Je vais retourner en France." The difference between "Retourner" and "Revenir" ? "Retourner" means going back, "Revenir" means coming back. On one hand, it's like you were in a different country and you have to go back into your country, and on the other hand, it's like you're in vacation and your coming back to your home tomorrow.

"I can't pay the rent anymore" the translation is correct ( for once ) but the meaning isn't the same. "Je ne peux pas payer le loyer" means "I can't pay the rent". The correct translation is : "Je ne peux plus payer le loyer."

"England" 'have nothing to say on it.

"Bastard" translation is correct, meaning is correct, but we use "bâtard" as well But here, 'Salaud' is much more powerful.

"Kapa çeneni" Don't know what language it is.

Aaand I didn't take German course, so I don't know if what Gilbert has said is right :)

Anyway, I really liked the story so far !

Hope you will continue ( if not I kill you J )

Ciao ciao

Omgkc chapter 2 . 8/29/2012
This story is great! I love it! If you don't mind me asking, could you maybe put up translations? You portray the characters so well too! Hope to see more chapters up soon. 0)
hurricaneclaw chapter 1 . 8/23/2012
Lovi noooo D:
Continue it just for me... please?