Reviews for Subspace
yourLastLove chapter 18 . 4/2/2015
Well that was fantabulous. I'm going to go find your other stories now.
So Mike won't be able to wear the collar outside of the house? Eesh...
And I'm wondering, how would the gay couples work? No one is collared I would assume - so then would they have some sort of other ceremonial thing? hmm...
But seriously you're an amazing author.
yourLastLove chapter 17 . 4/2/2015
Aww Marveyyy
yourLastLove chapter 16 . 4/2/2015
I think I'm starting to figure out this whole "down" thing. Kind of. I hope. lol
New themes! I like it. It's very indepth. Cheers!
yourLastLove chapter 15 . 4/2/2015
Most of the time the characters are pretty out of character - but I can see how it would be really hard to keep them in... It's also a bit of a shock to see who you think would be sub or dom - even if it's just for plot development? Shock in a good way btw. Like "whoa, didn't see that coming," not "wow no".:P
Tell me... Bringing up Baby?:D
This "take down" thing is confusing me... Is it the sub-drop? Drop? Down? lol idk... :(
yourLastLove chapter 14 . 4/1/2015
I think I may have caught a plot hole here... hmm...
The psychology is this story is so ... so ... so ... uhm ... words. Even the theme about addiction. Perfect.
yourLastLove chapter 13 . 4/1/2015
They are just so sweet together. :P lol In a weird alternate universe sort of way... uhm... I'm not sure how I feel about how I feel. This is your fault. ... kaygoodchapterawesome(y)
yourLastLove chapter 12 . 4/1/2015
It's just so foreign and interesting. I'm not even sure what to think. I'll let you do the thinking for me and go read the next chapter. Yeah. That's probably a better idea.
yourLastLove chapter 11 . 4/1/2015
Oh... that wasn't a very happy chapter...
yourLastLove chapter 10 . 4/1/2015
Does Harvey assume that since he and Mike have an arrangement now that his being ok with his smoking is void..? lol That's not how it works. I mean, sure probably hit him right in the pride, but like... c'moooond duuude. Not like Mikey hasn't earned a hit xD ... kinda... uh.. nvm...
Another brilliant chapter, I must say.
yourLastLove chapter 9 . 4/1/2015
My mind is bouncing back and forth so much from reading this... My opinions keep changing and changing again. I could use a joint of subspace right now LOL... Right when I think I understand, everything changes and I reunderstand. I think this is how Mike feels..? Maybe? Perhaps it was written this way intentionally? Perhaps..? EITHER WAY LOL.
yourLastLove chapter 8 . 4/1/2015
Loved the ending of this chapter. Or generally the whole thing.
yourLastLove chapter 7 . 4/1/2015
Completely loving how sweet Harvey and are together kind of. LOL
The interactions between the doms and subs are so cool... You really thought this one out - or if not then extra props to you!
This chapter gave me girly teenager giggles. Despicable.
yourLastLove chapter 6 . 4/1/2015
I figured out what sub-drop and this new kind of gay are. Clever;)
yourLastLove chapter 5 . 4/1/2015
That was so sweet... You're writing as actually fantastic. I applaud you.
yourLastLove chapter 4 . 4/1/2015
Excellent chapter. I feel like I get this universe a little better now... kind of... lol
I'm enjoying the relationships in this a lot - Harvey and Jessica, Harvey and Donna, Mike and Trevor, etc. It's well put together to say the least.
Very naturally descriptive.
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