Reviews for Big City White Boys
rainonme11 chapter 23 . 7/31
please continue this so much potential
Guest chapter 3 . 6/12
Super 88 nigga
TV06 chapter 23 . 5/19
this is one of my favorite ATLA fanfics hope you will continue this
A.D.Curtis chapter 22 . 3/7/2019
I love that lineHe could build a life around that laugh.” He his in love for sure!

Naive or not, Aang really is the only functional person in all of these relationships. He has baggage from life, but he seems to be the only one that knows how not to pile on more and more baggage. Katara would be lucky to be with him. And he obviously wants her. It’s a set up for something real (different circumstances, but same mutually compatible and beneficial relationship as in the show.) They are so good for each other (assuming Katara can work out her issues, eh?)

I think Aang would encourage her not to abort the baby. Given his stance on not killing in the show, I imagine that would be how he would see it in this AU. But of course, this is your fic. Do as you will.

Anyway, I know you are unlikely to come back to this, but if you do, I’d love to see an update. Very captivating writing!
Penelope Applegate chapter 23 . 9/14/2018
SO your writing is always intense and real and gut wrenching, and I always love it, and you would fix all of the bad things of 2018 if you updated just a leeeeeeetle bit. I’m desperate here. Shall I beg? I’ll beg. Haha D,X
Aliragal chapter 23 . 7/6/2016
I'm not usually a fan of AU stories, but this one really caught my attention. I hope everything is going well for you currently, and I think many of us will be delighted when you get the chance to update again.
kataangfan1999 chapter 23 . 2/29/2016
NEXT CHAPTER when u can :))))
ExtraFun chapter 23 . 12/6/2015
This writing is amazing but I had hard time reading, as kataang fan, this since it says this is kataang but it is so little and the other thing (don't want to spoil, readers will know). This is good and I will definitely want to know what happens.
GOLDEN WINGS chapter 23 . 11/9/2015
Woah dude deep. I liked it please keep on updating. I truly Wana know what happens next U rule dude.
Coffeechu chapter 16 . 10/12/2015
So I was flipping through the chapters to find the last one and I read and happened upon this chapter/explanation and even though this was probably written a few months ago... Well, I really like that you explained why sometimes updating consistently isn't possible and I totally respect you for still finding time to pursue your writing hobby (and in turn give your fellow fans life energy through this story lol). I hope things in your life work themselves out, you seem like a very stand up person. Anyway, I also wanted to mention that I think your writing is excellent and I look forward to reading future chapters, whenever they may be shared.
Supergoddad chapter 23 . 9/26/2015
So that's what happened.. I'm sorry to not have reviewed earlier, I was kind of in a daze the last few days. I feel like I have gotten everywhere and nowhere in that daze. It wasn't pretty. I digress, it's good to read more of you. I'll try my best to stay with the updates. I'll see you on the next update.
Katsumara chapter 23 . 9/24/2015
Great chapter here. Missed this story tons and good to see it back again!
Sapphiric chapter 20 . 9/24/2015
I don't HOW I've never read this before. Oh my Spirits and now I think I'm going crazy. It's Chapter Twenty. I think my eyeballs are about to fall off. But I'm gonna keep on going anyway. Hehe.

Anyways, you're really awesome and I love this story so much I think I'm going to burst! *squeals girlishly* Keep going or I'll die. Quite literally.

OpenYorEyes chapter 23 . 9/20/2015
Great chapter I loved it I hope you update soon
Guest chapter 23 . 9/19/2015
Huh, guess it's my lucky day! New chapter a couple hours after I reviewed it!
Of course, I love the kataang moments. Just any of them. Unlike other stories, you kinda had to wait a bit before it was more than just flirting, like them actually being together. I like the build-up though. Keeps us waiting on the edge of our seats before readers get what they've wanted.
I do like the character development, and it shows in this chapter. With Katara, she equates love and comfort to giving up her body to someone, as it started with Jet. Now with Aang, its an entirely different...process, I guess? Maybe its set up so Aang shows her there's more to love than just that? Iunno, maybe I'm looking into this too deeply. Basically, I like how the characters are progressing. I feel like the story captures this stage in life really well. The drama/angst of college life along with one's love life. Am I going too deep with this review? Basically, really like the story, glad you've updated it once again, will be waiting for your next chapter in either story.
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