Reviews for Cheers
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
really sweet
accioweasleys4 chapter 1 . 12/14/2013
Aww. This was very sweet. I like Hermione/Oliver almost as much as I like Katie/Oliver. It was a little confusing around the kiss part because of how you separated the POV's but I was able to get back on track. I liked the ending though.
ladyoftheknightley chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
This was adorable! Both Oliver and Hermione were definitely in-character, and I loved how they bonded over making themselves hate and resent the thing they loved most. The kiss was adorable, and I enjoyed the split narration which enabled the reader to see it from both their points of view. Oliver can teach me kissing techniques (or even cheering charms!) any day of the week :p The ending was lovely - I liked how both he and Hermione were still taking his advice after all those years, and I liked how you left it ambiguous at the end as to what the outcome of their drink would be. I wasn't sure I'd like this, having never read (or even considered!) the Oliver/Hermione pairing before now, but I'm glad I chose to read it as it was so well-written, and extremely enjoyable. Great job!
Sheeks chapter 1 . 8/31/2012
So sweet! I really like the way you write. Great story! :)
LeeArt chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
I love it, hope you can consider writing a sequel for this one XD
Yellowtail555 chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
Okay, I normally review as I read and because the review box can't move/this is a rather long story... we'll see how this works out. Okay, I think I'll try to do this one section at a time.
First section: To begin with I love your vocabulary in the piece so that no words are overly repetitious but it doesn't feel like you're using a thesarius to come up with words that shouldn't fit there. There are a few grammar errors and one spelling mistake (taking instead of talking) but they don't really distract. I've never really liked first person but I have to admit that it works really well here.
Second section: I really love the characterization of Hermione here (and I love the clock comment because my friends obsess over that constantly). The only problem I noticed was that in this line "I was slowly but surely going mad, but I knew it was entirely my own fault" I think the second 'but' could be an 'and' which could make it sound less repetitious and show that she accepts that she's done it to herself.
Third section: I like how he compares the two of them even though he barely knows her and that he feels sorry for her. I also liked how you included Roger Davies to show that there are other people besides just them.
Fourth section: I love how well you wrote Hermione when she's annoyed with him because it totally sounds like her, especially with all the work she had to do.
Fifth section: I like how reluctant Hermione is to accept help and my favorite line is probably: "Well then, Wood," she retorted, "why do you play so much damn Quidditch?" because it kind of sums it up. They both are overwhelmed.
Sixth section: I love how detailed the spell is because it makes it all the more real which really brings this section to life.
Group of short sections: I like how Hermione asks how he knows about the slide because some people would have just left it there and this feels more real.
Last section: (Who'd have thought I'd ever make it here?) I think this was a great ending because it's a bit later and it still shows that they both understand they need to calm down. I wish you'd gone in a bit more about what they were both doing those five years in the future but it feels finished, which is good.
I hate it when the page breaks just randomly disapear, that is so annoying.
Anyway, I didn't see too many grammar or spelling errors and that was a really good story. I love when you have a couple most people don't think about and make it plausable. Good job!
Griffinesque chapter 1 . 8/22/2012
(I'd log in, but I really don't want to. :P)

I love the interaction between Hermione and Oliver. I did think that she was too young to be getting a kiss or dating in her third year but other than that, this was enjoyable to read! I absolutely adore the ending; it was perfect! XD
r.a.b. shoulda lived chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
good story my friend XD
yellow 14 chapter 1 . 8/19/2012
Wow. Really good, keep writing