Reviews for Meow? Meow!
DevilPrincessOfDarkWorld chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
cat forte is just so cute~
Guest1 chapter 1 . 10/3/2013
That was hilarious!
souldew chapter 1 . 4/9/2013
I want to pet a kitty now. I also wish I had brought my Megaman game. I want to fight Forte again.
Although I wonder if Forte will remember this, and I can verry much see this continued. It turning out to take a bit longer to detain the neko virus and create a vaccine. Forte gets comfortable with Netto and scratches Rockman the moment he gets to close ... I don't know. Sorry been rereading some Rockman fanfics recently and just finished reading Unwilling Partners for a second time. It's influence is running through me, hence the idea. Still a cute story though
Poor Netto. Wonder if he can somehow sick the cats on Enzan.
ElizabethBathog chapter 1 . 3/27/2013
Haha this is good! XD I still cant stop LOL hahaha! XD Good work! :D
Laura-chanKHRFangirl chapter 1 . 11/8/2012
Poor Netto!xD
Firehedgehog chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
soo cute az
Fate T. Nekoi -Angel Orie chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
*ROFL* Oh my...! This totally should've happened in the series! 3 Kitty-Forte is something we SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO SEE DAILY!

*runs away and hides from angry ultimate navi*

...and now that he lost me, I need to say this: you did a wonderful work in here! Too bad it ended up so short... but I understand that the inspiration wasn't helping matters. u.u Still, I hope Mecha-Shadow liked this result. I know I did! D