Reviews for The Price You Pay
Star-Spangled-Gal-With-A-Pal chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
This is awesome!
91RedRoses chapter 1 . 8/13/2012
Oh, I do love fairy tales. And Alfred is the perfect princess. Just wanting to be a hero and protect his loved ones from harm and so he sacrifices himself. But how will Finland respond to the news that he is gone? I doubt she will take it well and will demand to know the reason, and then when she finds out the reason, will demand that a rescue be swiftly mounted and will continue to demand until she gets it... because Finland is BAMF and gets what Finland wants, ALWAYS.

Poor Sweden is going to be on the couch still for awhile.
gemstarre chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
i like this and id really love it if you continued.
GoodLuckMother chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
The first chapter reminded me of stardust, with the fae having a baby and giving it to the human father

But really interesting plot! I can't wait too read more!