Reviews for First Love, Last Love
littlemichiru chapter 11 . 11/14/2016
Really sweet story. I loved it. I am glad everyone is happy in the end. They deserved it.
littlemichiru chapter 10 . 11/14/2016
I am glad the couple is back together. It would be a tragedy to have them apart after such a night in the club. Yami was so sweet. And I must say this must be one of the very few stories where Yugi takes control in bed this way
littlemichiru chapter 9 . 11/14/2016
I guess tea in this story isn't that bad. I suspected since the beginning she loved yami but was too scared to tell him. Which makes her stupid. Anyway she got Kaiba who is really nice in this story. They both got their closure but hurt yugi in the process
littlemichiru chapter 8 . 11/14/2016
Yugi is adorable and Mai loved him. Yami is jealous. He wants Yugi all for himself. Then yugi gets yami to dance. Hot. And kiss! And everyone being shocked. Loved it
littlemichiru chapter 7 . 11/14/2016
Oh tea is so annoying I mean probably she doesn't know what she is doing but she hurts yami. Yugi is always there for Yami. He even gave him back his smile. Never asking for anything in return
littlemichiru chapter 6 . 11/14/2016
Ah cute. Yami being mad because yugi is so positive. Yugi acting like he has a date. Yugi saving yami and yami being angry then both laughing and yami wanting to take yugi home
littlemichiru chapter 5 . 11/14/2016
Small world. Always bumping into someone or something that reminds him of tea or even tea herself. Yugi came to Yami a bit too quickly. It was normal for Yami to react that way
littlemichiru chapter 4 . 11/14/2016
Yes, Yami. Cute little angel yugi likes you. He will protect you. And you barely even remembered him
littlemichiru chapter 3 . 11/14/2016
I feel so bad for Yami. I would die to have a friend like him. Isn't it what every girl would want? Her best friend turning into the love of her life.
I hope it's yugi who found him
littlemichiru chapter 2 . 11/14/2016
Hahaha yugi got yami's heart to beat again. How could yami not like him? He is adorable. Anyway it's bad when you stay in the past for long. Tea had an amazing guy for her side and never gave him a chance.
littlemichiru chapter 1 . 11/14/2016
I think yami is too good for tea. I can see kind of tea and Kaiba together. Especially in the way you planned it. Poor Yami. However I don't despair. Yugi is his other half
Guest chapter 11 . 5/31/2016
This story is so nice and original. I haven't read something like that in the yugioh fanfictions and believe me I have read TOO many. Anyway I loved it!
Nekoyasha12 chapter 11 . 10/10/2014
I know who the squinty character is! XD It was Trudge, Tea's second boyfriend and father to Heba!
Beautiful story!
And a sequel could be possible. All there friends and them are together with one married. Now the other should follow. Yami could start longing for a child, moving there action into adoption. And past crush/boyfriend of Yugi's could resurface and cause trouble. Yami family finally appears and good and bad shit goes down. XD
Or, something new- Yugi and/or Yami discover a secret(or waiting for Yugi to turn of age) will left behind by Yugi's grandfather about an inheritance Yugi never knew he had let along existed. Then having lost distant family suddenly appear either trying to win Yugi over for a piece of the inheritance or flat out demand/kill him for it.

Over all great ending and wonderful story!
mittamoo chapter 3 . 9/28/2013
Wow I'm in this story!
ChibiLee chapter 1 . 9/13/2013
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