Reviews for A Benthic Silence
Vampireguardian chapter 1 . 8/11/2012
Your details make this so real for me. Such a bittersweet tale, I almost wish to see what Liara's P.O.V. is.
MiizBHavvin chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Naturally poetic, beautifully written as usual. Can we see more Nova soon? Good to see you back.
Akernis chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Yeah a new fic from you!

*shudder* that was hauntingly brilliant. I am not one for sad stories, but I will have to say that you really have a way with words.
There was a quality to this that I have only rarely seen elsewhere, you somehow manage to pour so much emotion into your work in such short space that it is near unbelievable.

I am really glad to have Forever as One to remind me that t ends happily between them, really glad to know it does not end here for her, and for them together.

Amazing work, hauntingly sad for me by amazing :)
ShadowBlazer chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
I'm been trying to figure what propels your story so well, and at the very least, I've figured out that you use your character's voice very well to establish vivid imagery and sensations that readers can connect with.

For a story with so few words, the atmosphere is intense. I think a large part of that is due to unspoken fear that Shepard may be dying in here and these may be her last thoughts. It's sad and touching that she thinks of Liara. I definitely couldn't write emotions like you do.

Anyways, this was crazy powerful. Maybe I'll go read one of your fluffy stories to lighten the mood. It was an enjoyable one-shot to read. Hope you had an easy time with your move. Cheers.
Theodur chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Good to see you back and posting, and thank goodness for tayg and T.A. - without them we would be completely forgettable!

An interesting tidbit, this. Despite my aversion for first person, this kind of tale can only work in first person, I think. Only way to make it really effective. And it really was.

But okay, at the risk of appearing even stupider, I have to ask. What the heck is 'benthic'.

Anyway! Enjoyed this. And like I said, excellent to see you posting good stuff.
Vector 71 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
So excited to see another story from Salser appear in my email! Wow, and what heartfelt work you come up with. Very poignant tale and sad with a touch of hope at the end. Am glad that you are back to writing ME FF! Looking forward to more.
Tellur chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Talk about depressing...
Once again you have done it, captured and displayed the state of mind so expertly.

Anyway, welcome back!
I hope you continue your other stories soon. I missed your updates.
RavenRose8 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
great but confusing
BlackCat3939 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Were you listening to One by Metallica when you wrote this. It's disturbing.
thedeadflag chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
I don't think I've reflexively cringed and got chills like I have within these 998 words in...well, a while. I can't imagine the vast emptiness that would accompany the loss of that much of one's body...just trying to imagine it gives me chills. You did a wonderful job describing the experience and providing a look into Shepard's frantic and confused mind. It was honestly almost too much to bear at the end; I get broken up enough each time I see the ME2 intro, this made me super emotional. I can just imagine the scene I just get flashbacks to The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, but even that's not really enough to fully encompass it.

So, yeah. Wow! Depressing for certain, but Liara's there. That makes me feel a little better about it.
Wonderful imaginative writing, though. Just excellent work. So much packed into such a small space! And on the day before my birthday, nonetheless! :D

Also, don't apologize for being away, you had legitimate reasons, and I hope all that 'life dust' went swimmingly :)
JadeDragonMTR chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Incredibly sad yet beautifully written.
T. A. Blackwell chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
I hate when fics make me tear up. Curse you, Salser. God damn.

In all seriousness ... absolutely beautiful. Rather, excruciatingly beautiful. You manage to convey such an incredible amount of emotion, fear, and warmth in such a short fill. I think your description of the Normandy's destruction is one of the most poignant I've ever read - wow.

You have a real gift for demonstrating feelings and events that I couldn't possibly wrap my mind around otherwise. You make feel in the rubble, so to speak - frantic, then comforted.

It kills me because this is written with such finesse that it makes me want to read it over and over again. But I think that may hurt my soul on a level that I can't quite manage. Heh.

Astounding work, and it only makes me look forward to new installments of your ongoing stories all the more. Maybe with a slightest preference toward FAO ... as I could use a little happiness after reading this. ;p

Happy and flattered to be one of "[your] prunes", wee one. ;p
Tayg chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
You can always bring tears to my eyes. Its flipping beautiful.

The build up of sadness and this gaping hole made the ending even that more touching and wonderful.

Going to get tissues so I can read again.

Theodosius chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
A new story by Salser? Wasn't that e-mail a sight for sore eyes!

Once again, really, there is no way to say just how well you manage to capture the emotions and the love that Shepard feels for Liara, even in these last moments - and while it is a bittersweet story, it's truly remarkable how well you've written it, in such a way that love truly overpowers death in words.

The part with Shepard remembering the times with Liara was very powerful, you really have a way with words to describe the sensations that Shepard has felt - and now recalls -during those moments.

So I can only conclude after reading this short story with a bravo, a fantastic piece once again, though I wouldn't lie and say that I'm not expecting some happy Shepard & Liara fluff coming from you soon!
KadeSmash85 chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
that's... T.T

Now I need an update on your Forever as One story because this one was... T.T I have no words, I do not know what to say. Sad doesn't quite fit the bill for it.