Reviews for Clow and Ki
Reed chapter 3 . 4/8
Hey! It's been almost six years since I first read this... huh the time passes fast. I know this is an old story but times are crazy right now and seeing an update would mean a lot to me. I think it's brilliant and there's no other stories like it out there.
Kay chapter 3 . 5/20/2018
I love this even though it's been over a decade and I'm just so lost. Your author note doesn't give any hints as to why you just stopped. I know you're probably off living your life leaving this story behind, hell maybe you don't even look at this website anymore but I wish you'd at least leave a note or something. I love this story and it's few of it's kind.
VIP chapter 3 . 4/1/2017
Great job so far.
James Birdsong chapter 3 . 5/9/2015
Good three chapters.
Nameless Angel 00 chapter 3 . 4/7/2015
Wish you would pick this back up I actually really like it.
RpAlPaIyDeXrX67 chapter 3 . 12/29/2014
Please just pick Gohan to fight.
Junior VB chapter 3 . 9/2/2014
Ahora Sakura debería luchar contra Cell porque ella lo pidio primero. Pero supongo que Gohan es el nuevo contendiente. Oye, ¿qué tal si Gohan y Sakura luchan juntos con Cell?

Este fic es genial. Si no piensas continuar, deberias permitir que otro usuario lo haga.
Now Sakura should fight Cell because she asked first. But I guess that Gohan is the new contender. Hey, what if Gohan and Sakura fight together against Cell?

This fic is great. If you do not plan to continue, you should allow another user to do it.
Junior VB chapter 2 . 9/2/2014
Clow y Kamisama fueron amigos. Eso tiene sentido.

Goku entra en acción.
Clow and Kami-Sama were friends. That makes sense.

Goku goes into action.
Junior VB chapter 1 . 9/2/2014
Sakura cree que Cell es un demonio y ahora ella va a combatirlo. Aunque Sakura no tiene mucho poder destructivo, tiene poderes hax que podrian acabar con Cell si ella tiene suerte.

Tu idea me parece interesante. Soy fan de SCC y DBZ.
Sakura thinks Cell is a demon and now she is going to fight it. Although Sakura does not have much destructive power, she has hax powers that could kill Cell if she is lucky.

Your idea seems interesting. I'm a fan of SCC and DBZ.
LivininCorsets chapter 3 . 7/12/2014
How did I just find this one? It's been over a decade and you probabily forgotten about this story long ago but it's really good- better than what I was posting in 2004. Hope you get the insperation to update or at least put this up
For adoption.
Muse Lady chapter 3 . 6/14/2014
I enjoyed reading this, but i’m so sad that you won’t update! I could break into tears and cry! Update please?
Dear Dreams of Mine chapter 3 . 6/13/2014
No! No, no, no! I’m so sad I could almost CRY! Why haven’t you updated in like, SEVEN YEARS?! I really like this story, and that is rare with my pickiness, but I down to earth love this story, I love everything about this story, the only flaw is that I use different names like madison to tomoyo, but that doesn’t matter! I need you to update! You need to tell your readers if you have quit or just taking a ridiculously long break, WE NEED TO KNOW! Breaks into tear
Dear Dreams of Mine chapter 2 . 6/13/2014
No, there is only one more chapter published after this! This last updated in 2003, that was a long time ago! I really like this idea.
Dear Dreams of Mine chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
OMG! I was bored and felt like a dbz crossover, but this is pure brilliance! I simply love this idea, and I am so excited to continue reading! I am just feeling pure ecstasy, this story is just blowing my mind! i really like it.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/10/2013
update? please?
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