Reviews for Percy, Annabeth, and oh so many spiders
Guest chapter 1 . 7/20
is it wrong that i laughed at the last line?
Guest chapter 10 . 5/28
good stuff here
Guest chapter 20 . 4/16
Sorry didn’t finish last review. As I was saying, once me and my bf were having a dining battle because he’s a dip stick and I interrupted him by kissing him while he sang mad hatter by crybaby, and then I sang queen, where it goes “ boy u better bow down on your k red, can I get a yes you majesty” it’s a good sing listen to it.
Guest chapter 20 . 4/16
Oh shit. Can u make a part two of this when Annabae gets revenge by getting all the seven to act dead and smear actuall blood, and then get Nico to scare the shit outta him for being an annoying head. That would be nice. Percy would be sooooo traumatizes after that XD! Girls like me r soooo mean sometimes. Oncesome of my friends and I were having aso I
Guest chapter 19 . 4/16
Annabae peed herself XD. Once I had to go pee REALLY bad and it was like three am and I wuz reading a fan fiction about Athena cabin spiders, right, and I didn’t know my sisters pet tarantula had gotten loose. So, as u imagined, w my luck, I hit the spider w my hand instead of the lights, and when I turned the lights on to feed my curiosity, not only did I pee my self, but I screamed bloody milder and my parents called 911 and there was a whole scene. My sister started crying over her dead spider and said, no seriously, she said “ MY BESUTIFUL! NO! Do u need oxygen?! COME BACK TO LIFE!” And she actually gave it mouth to mouth ON THE WRONG SIDE I would’ve laughed at her, but seeing as I wuz standing in a puddle of pee, we were even. Speaking of which, it’s two am I’m reading a spider fan fiction and have to pee. Thank the gods my sister has a snake still in its glass cage. Thank the god SOOoOo00o much.
Guest chapter 18 . 4/16
I suspected it was a nightmare because I have had similar ones, but instead of Percy and like it was my mom and a poopy pie babysitter who was actually some guy who still did child labor. Terrifying, right? WRONGE. It wuz his pet spider that got loose that scared me XD I am a true child of Athena w severe arachnophobia
Guest chapter 17 . 4/16
CHILDHOOD INNOCENCE SELF RESPECT MY RRASON TO LIVE AND SELF REASSURANCE WHERE ART FOR THO?! Sorry humor really does help to hide the pain. So does being cringy. I loved this chapter. Just because some girls are smart doesn’t mean they have to know everything. Thx for this, gave me tons to laugh about, even tho I’m now grounded for reading at two am! TYSMPerson!
Guest chapter 12 . 4/16
Guest chapter 9 . 4/16
XD that SO Harley! I loved this
Guest chapter 7 . 4/16
Imagine if this happens again, but will isn’t there, BUT SOLANGELO, so annabae goes to Nico, and instead of the infirmary, they are on Argo 2, and all the crew members are fawning over percy cuz he was pushed of the ship by annabeth for being a stupid head and then annabae sees a frickin spider and Percy can’t do anything, Leo is fixing the ship, Piper is also terrified, hazel and frank are helping Jason butt kick monsters so Nico kills it. Annabae says I DONt CARE IF ITS DEAD IT HAS A SOUL SON OF HADES! KILL THAT TOO FOR ME! PLEASE! And she doesn’t let death breath go anywhere out of the infirmary w Percy and Percy is jealous. Imagine how awkward that must be for Nico!
Guest chapter 5 . 4/16
To make it funnier, you should add a scene where annabae goes to Nico and asks him to kill the spiders soul AND Nzbdjzywjs ok o. THErE iS A GROSS SPIDER EMOJI AND ITS ON MY SCREEN AND FUCK SHIT HELP ITS NOT AN EMOJI!
Guest chapter 5 . 4/16
To make it a bit funnier you could add someone telling annabae Lebanon’s repel spiders, then add another scene where the Athens cabin legit Squeezes out a ton of Leamon juice and asks the Pegasi to dump it all over cabin six
Annabeth Evans chapter 15 . 4/22/2019
He is STILL a Seaweed Brain!
Kayla Fayeheart chapter 1 . 1/12/2019
I hate you. I hurt myself reading this! I was reading this on the couch and (I’m not kidding) I fell off and I was in pain from the fall and laughing! PLEASE DO MORE PERCABETH ONE SHOTS
Bookmerd chapter 10 . 5/12/2018
These r hilarious!
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