Reviews for Future Mistakes
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that Chris is going to find himself strangled for the third time xD. Poor guy is really in for a beating isn’t he!
RandomFandomLandom chapter 8 . 12/30/2019
WOOOOOOOAH! I was rooting for Chris and Wyatt in a fucked up kind of way and now I am off this emotional rollercoaster, this was amazing!
HeetherandtheBabes chapter 5 . 3/18/2017
It's a pretty good story. The only thing is if Chris died Wyatt wouldn't have been able to heal him because whitelighter abilities can't bring people back from the dead.
L.L.Wayne chapter 3 . 4/25/2015
...did you just bring in Supernatural...?
daemon452 chapter 3 . 10/18/2014
So you have pure and cole being sanctimonious asses in this. They told Chris to plainly lie to a group of people they know to be in a fight with evil, and didn't expect them to decide he may not be a good guy. The sisters made the rational des ion that the person with zero evidence may be lieing. Yea, both seem like idiots here. Getting made makes sense, but they were idiots
Crystalzap chapter 8 . 9/19/2013
wow thats alot of words... AND SO SAD T_T WYATT!
tragedyofcircumstance chapter 3 . 3/28/2013
Wow...Prue was HARSH. Then again, in this fanfic, the Charmed Ones were harsh too.
tragedyofcircumstance chapter 2 . 3/28/2013
silvershark1987 chapter 8 . 1/28/2013
i'm really worried about neena, did the source manage to escape and get her or is she just crazy from age (they say that humans have short life spans so that their souls get purified and replenished to prevent stagnation). i do hope chris will be ok, i don't think thee is much more he can take, especially since everyone else is dead (brings a whole new meaning to the phase 'the last halliwell standing').

on a more critical note, there are a few chapters that are a little too long and therefore deter readers during such high action chapters, though it's nice to see stories where chapters are longer than one page. as for your cameos, i probably only got about a fifth of them so i'm glad you gave a list, i like how you portray emotion, even if it is to torture the main (and favourite) character, and phoebe was a bit of a 'me me me bitch' though truly all of them had lost their way by season 8 so they kinda deserved it from billie and christie.

trying to make my way though the rest of you charmed fanfics now.

lizardmomma chapter 8 . 10/2/2012
So these are the ones I didn't recognize-Primeval
dodonna, Mon Remonda and Gargantuan Star Wars
Sting and Necromancer Lord of the Rings
Mjolnir Matrix (should have gotten that one)
Andy Martin, Maggie Rose and Alex Skinner Quintin Jardine's Bob Skinner Mysteris book series
Aimo (readers of my series will recognise him) Supernatural
Nostromo Alien
Carl Johnson Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Hal and Tom Being Human
Aidan Being Human US
Ororoe X Men
General Crichton Farscape
Blackadder Blackadder
Hornblower Hornblower (Horatio Hornblower right?)
Commander Crabtree Allo Allo
Takari and Solaris Babylon 5

I think you did an excellent job with this story/series. I am sad that they had to kill Wyatt, but he wasn't going to keep control over the source.
Chris's Adorer chapter 8 . 10/2/2012
Hi lordtrayus,

as promised now my review: Wow, what a story! So much had happened and still, there's something out in the open which leaves an opening for another sequel, maybe?
The battle between Wyatt and Chris was amazing and all, yet in the end Wyatt sacrificed himself for his baby brother who will always have a soft spot in his heart. It was right that the whole family didn't want to battle him but they had no other choice and anyone knew that, even Chris.

The story was simple great and awesome.

Charrmed chapter 8 . 10/1/2012
OMG you had me crying so hard by the time I was done reading this chapter. You're an awesome writer but you're evil for killing off my favorite male witch! I was so happy when Wyatt defeated the Source but then you had to go and make him commit suicide to get rid of the Source for good!

Poor Chris feels so alone now that his beloved brother is gone :( I don't think Neena realize that when Chris succeeds in changing the future, the timeline will be erased and her current seat of power will not exist. Oh well, let her enjoy her short-lived status as the Empress of the world while she can lol

Anyway, thank you for sharing your beautifully written story. I'm sure all your other readers are grateful for the time you spent writing and uploading this fic. I know I am! I'll be looking forward to any future Charmed fics you decide to share with us :)
Miss Katrina Malfoy chapter 8 . 10/1/2012
got something wrong actually I did lol the entire time I saw conner, what I read was "Angel's Son" lol bc that's the conner that pops into my mind
Evil and Proud chapter 8 . 10/1/2012
i love this story, even though its very sad :'(

you are great at describing the battle and though it seems that you kinda of overpowered the characters it's still good. Really great.

I would like for you to continue the series.
Herne chapter 8 . 10/1/2012
Sooo, will there be a sequel. Good luck in any future endevers.
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