Reviews for Ash To Flame
Guest chapter 6 . 5/9/2013
hopefully you will update soon. this is a good story, it's very disappointment if you not continue this story
Guest chapter 4 . 5/9/2013
i love your version story about TyZula. very lovely
Aceina chapter 6 . 5/6/2013
good fic so far keep it up and update it soon
FanOfAction chapter 6 . 2/20/2013
oh my gosh, reading this i felt such emotion! i dunno what it was. i felt sort of bad that azula changed so much, but that's who she is, and it's all cuz of ozai ( i hope azula and ty lee's relationship works out!
truthtotell chapter 6 . 2/19/2013
This story is amazing. Please update soon!
LenxRinKagamine chapter 6 . 1/4/2013
Nice story! Keep it up :) I like this a lot.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/25/2012
MORE! XD Please
Anonymous chapter 6 . 9/26/2012
An excellent chapter, but kind of bittersweet. It was fun to see what was going on in Azula's head.
HollowPoint chapter 6 . 9/26/2012
Another cool chapter you really made a lot of things more clear by giving a look into Azula's mind(to an extent anyway, since her mind seems scrambled), she hears voices XD I wonder, did the voices in her head show up after the Ty Lee incident? or is the bad voice one that was put there by Ozai, and the "good" voice is just her old thoughts about stuff?(you might be planning on going into greater detail about the voices though, so maybe there's no point in me asking)
I rather like this somewhat harsh Azula(she's not being "harsh" really, but she's definitely not being all mushy with Ty Lee, even if Azula's mental state is 100% fine, I don't think it fits her very well ever to always treat Ty Lee super nicely)
Hm...Azula lied about eating, right? just checking since I'm not sure XD Hehe, I was actually thinking when Ty Lee was starting to sleep "if they're not both sleeping at the same time, can't she just use Azula's bed?" x3 My mind seems to be synced with this story, cause after she picked up the bed, I was actually hoping/thinking "is she gonna lay it out next to Azula over going back to her side?" XD

All around I'd say it was a nice chapter, looking forward to seeing what happens next. I wonder what's gonna happen with Mai(they are going to get her, right?) typically(from what I've seen in other stories) Mai will want to kill Azula as soon as she sees her if she thinks she caused Ty Lee pain... I'm not sure if there really is some great reason why Azula did keep out of contact with Ty Lee though, I hope there is, for her sake o.o;
greysfanhp chapter 5 . 9/11/2012
OMG. Way to break my heart there!

Sorry for not reviewing sooner, you know school and stuff... the real world, it can be annoying at times.

I loved this chapter in a really masochistic way. It hurt good, if you now what I mean, sorta like 'Love the Way You Lie' by Eminem. As I read your chapter the song just kept playing in my head, lol.

But dang... they're really stuck between a wall and a hard place. Ty Lee's got her work cut our for her. Although I won't say more until you update and I can see just how bad the situation really is. So... could you please update soon? *insert Ty Lee's puppy dog face here*
HollowPoint chapter 5 . 8/31/2012
I read this last night and was too tired to review, so I'll try now _(I'm reviewing kinda the whole story here, not just chapter 5, since I read them all at once XD)

I always like young Azula/young Ty Lee, because Azula was still a kind of cruel, cool character, but she had much more freedom to do whatever she wanted mostly(or so it always seems in the fics, even with her training), and she always seemed nicer to Ty Lee as a kid. I liked how Ty Lee was the only daughter who liked Azula, too x3

Mm...the 2nd chapter was going nicely, though maybe getting a bit too heated considering Ty Lee being sick XD but darn... I really don't like that type of thing that happened to Ty Lee, I felt quite a bit better about it at first since Azula said she'd take care of Ty Lee, cause I was thinking, she's the princess, the can do whatever she wants, but...if Ozai doesn't like the idea either, then it'd never work out.(I don't suppose there's gonna be a twist later where Ozai is actually really in favor of it, huh? like maybe he doesn't want a boy who isn't of his blood to take his throne, and he'd rather let Azula have it with Ty Lee as her "queen"? _; )

I never like how Mai always thinks the worst of Azula(looks to her if Ty Lee is hurt, looks to her if Ty Lee is sad, etc.), but that seems to be a regular thing in every fic that has all three of them. Couldn't Azula have simply threatened Ty Lee's father though..? forgetting that Azula is the princess, she's also strong, and Mai could probably assassinate him easy, so I'd think them threatening him to never speak of it would have made them all a lot happier..

A lot of time passed.. poor Azula, she's been "corrupted" quite a bit..(not much to say about chapter 4)

It's pretty sad that Azula ignored Ty Lee for so long, but like..maybe there was a reason? like Ty Lee's father might have told what happened, and if Azula ever went to find Ty, or write to her, they would have been found out? I dunno. I don't actually have a problem with cold/cruel Azula at all, just that I hope Ty Lee doesn't have to stay sad for too long. I'm rather hoping you're not going to be following canon much, because there's only one part in the whole Avatar series I REALLY hate, and that's Ty Lee's betrayal(maybe your story won't go that far in the Avatar timeline where it'll matter if you're following canon, I don't know, but I hate that part very much..)
Meneldur chapter 5 . 8/31/2012
I'm not sure I'm happy with this chapter. I expected Azula to be more sympathetic, especially from Ty Lee's point of view. Doesn't Ty Lee understand what Azula did for her? What she gave up, how she helped? Maybe not. Still, you would expect Ty Lee to be more lenient. And Azula herself is disturbing, especially after the feeling she showed for Ty Lee, and the hints last chapter.
Maybe it's supposed to be something eventual, where Ty Lee comes along at first reluctantly, but slowly breaks open Azula's reserve? Still, you'd expect at least a hint to the crack in this chapter.
Bad one chapter 5 . 8/30/2012
So Azula never even once came to visit? Did she really not care or has her father taken a full control of her?

Poor Ty Lee, it sure must hurt.
koeghls chapter 5 . 8/29/2012
Really great! I have never seen 'Zula in this kind of light before. It makes her seem almost like a human being! really good writing and character exploration
Bad one chapter 4 . 8/20/2012
It is actually well written so far. Even though romance kicked in early, I like how the story progresses. Keep it going, I surely will keep an eye for updates.

P.S. I liked that small scene between Li and Lo and candle, adds some mystery and darkness factor to the story. Are they like fortune-tellers here? Because I can clearly see the under text in the following sentence:
"You will find what you seek in the Earth Kingdom."
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