Reviews for Pearls and Swine
Guest chapter 9 . 4/16
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Guest chapter 9 . 12/5/2019
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TheDarkAngel25 chapter 9 . 10/2/2019
Hey, are you gonna come back to this story? I want to know what happens next...
Vivian Junior chapter 9 . 6/8/2019
Please tell me you haven't abandoned this? I'd love to read what happens with Bella's plan.
KDMCAM chapter 9 . 1/30/2019
I hope your inspiration returns to finsih this. This was a huge twist!
KDMCAM chapter 8 . 1/30/2019
Only one more chapter left. :(
KDMCAM chapter 7 . 1/30/2019
Now to get tanyas key...
KDMCAM chapter 6 . 1/30/2019
Too funny!
KDMCAM chapter 5 . 1/30/2019
He is not going to be able to kill her. Kiss her yes but not kill.
KDMCAM chapter 4 . 1/30/2019
And now it begins!
KDMCAM chapter 3 . 1/30/2019
Oh crap!
KDMCAM chapter 2 . 1/30/2019
I have a feeling a bella and tanya show down is on the horizon!
KDMCAM chapter 1 . 1/29/2019
I was not expecting the hole in his face. You surprised me as much as you did bella in the story!
NickChick22 chapter 9 . 12/26/2018
I know it's been quite a long time since you've been on Fanfiction writing, but I wanted to let you know to this day I reread A Thousand Leaves at least 4 times a year as well as your other work. This is the first time I've read the beginning of this story because I know I'll be dying for you to finish it. I have no regrets teasing myself with this story, and I'll probably desperately hope you return and finish it. I've always loved your writing immensely, and the beginnings of this story have not disappointed. If you find the time and desire, I'm sure we would all love to know what becomes of these characters and their story. Always, happy writing!
ImYours1901 chapter 8 . 10/22/2017
I read this today and was amazed! Then I went to write a review but fanfic wouldn't let me because it said I had already reviewed this. I though it was a glitch so I went on reviews to see if my review had already been posted. It hadn't. So I scrolled down to see that I read this story way back in 2013 and reviewed it then. I'm actually quite surprised I didn't remember reading this story, because I NEVER forget a mobward story. They are my absolute favourite.

So anyway, the reason I'm writing this review is to say I hope you get your spark back and hopefully finish this story off someday because it is amazing! So many possibilities, and I can't wait to see how Edward and Bella's relationship grows.

And the twist you put at the end of chapter 9! I did NOT see that coming, Bella seemed too nice to be capable of working "undercover".

This is an amazing story and I'm glad I got to read even a few chapters of it!

Thank you!
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