Reviews for The Lies We Tell Ourselves
JJ100051 chapter 12 . 2/18/2013
Oh please, please , please update! I hope you realize how unbelievably good this is ! So please update ... Because I am in love with this story! Your an amazing writer; keep up the good work!

caylender chapter 12 . 1/21/2013
Oooo, this is getting interesting. The demon fight in the last chapter was very intense and well-written. I definitely feel for Wally and Dick, having to come up with a convincing story.

Great chapters
chibi nee-san chapter 12 . 1/20/2013
Pleeeeeeaaaaaee update! Pleesh. This is an. Amazing story.
caylender chapter 10 . 12/13/2012
Let me just say that I love your inclusion of poetry in this. The English major in me is geeking out because of it. Anyways, great chapter. :)
caylender chapter 9 . 12/9/2012
I absolutely this fic. Your writing is very easy and enjoyable to read.

Keep up the great work; I'd love to read more.
Guest chapter 9 . 11/27/2012



Review. The evil dark lord, Fluffums the silly bunny commands you.
Sleuthy chapter 1 . 11/22/2012
From what I've read so far, you've got a really good narration style, the bits and pieces of description you put in bolster the story in exactly the right way. You could improve this further by pruning it just a little bit. There are a number of places where you've mentioned things that are already implied, or said things in a more round about way than you needed to. For example;
"Looking down at his suit, he had yet changed out into his uniform", you could just say, "Looking down at his uniform" at let the paragraph around it show that he's wearing it because he hasn't changed. From the reader's perspective stuff like that is similar to repetition and it slows the story down. That said, it's exactly the right problem to be having, if you can fix that the narration will read like a novel.

This could be further helped by including more commas, you seemed to miss a few there and even though the reader knows when to read, it helps maintain the feel of the story if the commas are in there.

Can't comment on the actual story right now because I'm having trouble keeping focussed on it, but I think that's 'cos I'm tired, so I think I'll leave it a little while before reading the rest of it.

Anyway, really just wanted to compliment you on your narration style :)
girlofathousandstorys chapter 6 . 8/30/2012
Why doesn't this story have more reviews? I think everyone is too caught up in the back to school rush to read fanfiction right now, because this is amazing! I showed this to my cousin (who has not watched a episode of young justice in her life) and she asked me to the link to the story so she could follow it! Keep up the good work!
Robin Red R chapter 4 . 8/24/2012
You definitively need more reviews than what you have. Because seriously, you're an absolutely amazing author. I really took to your writing style; it's original and pretty neat. Plus, this plot line has a really great start, and I can't wait to see how this evolves. Fics like these always intrigue me. My favorite part in this chapter was the way you portray Mackenzie, she's an interesting character.
"(They'd give Artemis's bow a funeral later.)" This sentence made me laugh, legit.
I love how Wally calls Dick his brother, and how concerned he is about him. It's sweet how he's starting to trust Artemis too... He seems very in character to me. They all do actually.
I'll be eagerly awaiting your next update!

Robin Red R chapter 3 . 8/24/2012
Oh wow, my favorite chapter so far, definitively. I love the darkness and the eerie tone to this, and the suspense is just amazing. Wally and Dick's bromance here just totally made my day, because I love those two together. Anyway, jeeze you're a master at cliffhangers XD On to the next one now!

pottyandweezlbe89 chapter 3 . 8/18/2012
Loving this so fast so good :-)
Sairey13 chapter 3 . 8/17/2012
Oh no...
Wonder what's going to happen next...