Reviews for Serendipity
Guest chapter 1 . 12/4/2014
it was a waste to stop it D:
YumeHume chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
I wanna see more chapters thsi story looks very interesting. And im with Kuroko bad karma really is a bitch. But leave that to a side i hope read more about you soon . See you later :3
PiWrite chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
You should put in koganeixmitobe they need love
And do some different pairings like uhhh sakuraixtakao(?)
I look forward for more
kitkatbro chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
asdgjfklmd LICAAA :))
I don't know anything about Kuroko no Basutei but I really liked this :D first chapter was really good and it leaves you wanting more ;)) So I'm really curious why the fallen angel can't use his powers on the guy and I'm excited to know where things go from here. I love how you described the blue-haired guy (sorry I can't spell their names properly) 'cause you really showed how and why he changed from being the angel of purity to the way he is now. All in all, I think you did a very good job (AS USUAL- YOUR WRITING SKILLS AMAZE ME TO NO END) I can't wait to see what happens next. PLEASE UPDATE SOON ;)))

and yes, I try to leave decent reviews now :P but this was the best I could do :))) sorry :D BUT SERIOUSLY, I MEANT EVERY WORD :))) lots of love from your number 1 fan XD
Queen Keri chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
Oh, this is quite the interesting story :D And Kuroko's actually talkative when he's talking to himself! .v
Anyhow, I hope you'll update soon. I wonder when Akashi and the rest will show up :3 Good luck!
Junior Tomarry chapter 1 . 8/2/2012
Kyaaa A Kuroko angel fic! *Drools* I want more :D
VirguleAddict chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
I like how tihs fic is written 3 and so far you got me as a fan!
keep up the good work 3
TheMrsBrightside chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
whoah another interesting fic... im glad i decided to read this... :) and while reading your great fic, i remember the movie city of angels ... :3 ill be waiting for your update soon :) faves*
AYMK00 chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Yaay. An angel!kuroko story, haha. The concept's interesting, especially with him wanting to return home. I can sense all the dramaa.
Lovely writingg. Looking forwad to more.
Henzie-sama chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Oh my gosh I love it! It's beautiful, woman! I demandth thy continue!
Greta-vi-Britannia chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
'sup? I like this story :D I can just imagine Kuroko pondering his thoughts while keeping his usual expression and...I do I like the name 'Taharial'? no...I /want/ it. :D