Reviews for Seduction Theory
Femshepxtraynor chapter 14 . 2/10
Will there be a new chapter?
lesbrarianX chapter 2 . 7/30/2019
This not being finished will haunt me forever
o (iДi) o
pantheradraconis chapter 14 . 9/15/2018
This has got to be my favorite Mass Effect story. I've never read one so incredibly interesting and complex. The characters are real and exciting and heartbreaking, even when I want to slap them into speaking! Haha!
Capulet730 chapter 14 . 1/22/2018
I initially thought this would be a funny break from the usual angst-driven ME3 stories. Whoa boy was I wrong! This was a thought-provoking take on the facets of Shepard's resurrection that were never dealt with in canon. Reading it, I quickly swung between laughter and tears. Thank you for writing.
rfpizzle chapter 14 . 7/14/2017
This is absolutely wonderful. To be honest, I wasn't as impressed with some of the beginning stages of this fic as I could've. I liked the whole comedy of errors and the thousand and one convenient misunderstandings but I thought it was a bit over-done or contrived. Then you progressed the story past the shallow exterior and into some really emotional stuff and I just fell in love with it. I don't even like too much of the emotional but I'm making an exception. I don't see this as angst because you've jumped so far into the philosophical and ethical boat that it's so much better. Thanks for writing and keep up the good work and motivation.
And kinda sorry for how this review started. I thought an honest review would help...even though I probably just sounded like a dumbass.
Hope to see more soon :)
Zecht chapter 14 . 6/9/2017
wery nice. i like how you focused on human interactions, leaving all implied game staff on sidelines. definetely fav and follow
slayergopher chapter 9 . 4/29/2017
Wow! Has this been a packed story of entanglements for Traynor. First it was Cher crushing on Shep and now we have what seems like a (sort of) triangle between all three of them; Shep & Liara (before), now the growing attraction between Traynor and Liara while Traynor is still interested in Shepard. And how that complicated mess will move forward with everyone matchmaking (especially EDI) Traynor between those two.

I really hope life lets you update more frequently.
Dalish Elf chapter 14 . 4/26/2017
I'm so conflicted now, don't let her go Sam ... sigh
Guest chapter 14 . 4/24/2017
Great story, please continue.
Candle in the Night chapter 14 . 4/24/2017
Jesus that conversation between Liara and Sam might have been the most awkward conversation I've ever been privy to. It was excruciating at times seeing them dip into painful arguments over Shepard. And they feel something for each other; genuine attraction. It's not surprising, they both have great mind and let's be honest are very beautiful. They've also opened up to each other, for Liara I imagine that's a massive thing. Honestly this was heartbreaking from her point of view- she's just as isolated as Shepard, maybe more so, and is deserving of the same love and support.

But Sam can't give that to both, and poor Liara looks to be the runner up. Again. Oh Traynor, what a mess you've made.

That line about Shepard's memories provoked a similar reaction in me as Sam- another tragedy if true. The thought of new memories overwriting older ones is extremely sad to think about.

That's what I've always loved about this fic; it's ability to provoke these feelings. It doesn't matter how often it's updated, I'll always be here to read it. Hopefully.
Razorfist chapter 14 . 4/23/2017
Delicious piece for a Liara/Traynor fan! Thanks!
Spikesagitta chapter 14 . 4/23/2017
Ohh damn. So Shepard has perfect memory, but she overwrite her oldest memories...Damn. she's basically losing parts of herself and she probably won't even know why she's sad or happy years from now. Damn.

Also the kiss between Liara and Samantha! Romantic triangle is messy.
fahRENheit2006 chapter 14 . 4/23/2017
As someone else whose update schedule is in the toilet: CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT! I'm so proud of you!

I can only imagine how hard this chapter was to write, considering how rife with discomfort it was. And I felt every painful misunderstanding and awkward moment with heart-wrenching clarity. Especially for poor Liara. I'm glad Liara gets so much love elsewhere, because between you and me: she's suffered enough. And so has Shepard, it would seem.

I hope life has been treating you well. I still enjoy your economy of writing style, and how much you say with so little.

- Ren
lesbrarianX chapter 14 . 4/23/2017
Why do you build them up
ShadowBlazer, baby
Just to let them down
And mess them around

And then worst of all
You don't update often
Though you say you will
But I love you still

Liara needs you, Traynor too
More than anyone, SB
Please don't rip them (and me) apart
So build them up
SB don't break all our hearts

dmen77 chapter 14 . 4/23/2017
Yay, a new chapter! Thank you! I remember enough to say that this was a long time coming for Liara and Traynor.
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