Reviews for The Grand Collision
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2018
I'd tell Dick to shut the hell up before I rapid punch my fist right through his head.
Rivermoon chapter 1 . 8/22/2018
I didn’t know I needed this
clockwork'sFinest chapter 1 . 4/25/2017
my heart broke all over again
Guest chapter 1 . 12/31/2015
Oh Wally. This was so great! Hate that they never showed a confrontation between these two. Oh well, I guess that's what fan fiction is for, huh? Awesome job!
partlysunny chapter 1 . 8/12/2013
medella chapter 1 . 2/25/2013
I think you just stabbed me through the heart and ripped out everything I had inside.

I'm dead.

Beautifully-written and beautifully-executed and OH GOD. IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. I am literally cried at the end. The emotions are so perfectly portrayed, and the writing is so meticulously crafted, and the characters... I seriously don't have enough of my mind left to articulate the awesomeness of this. So instead, let me just say THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING THAT I CAN'T EVEN. Oh, curse you and your adept ability to rip out readers' hearts. As if we didn't get enough from the show itself T_T

Overall, what else can I say? So heart-wrenching, it's sad. Loved it!

xx cuteypuffgirl
NerdsAreCool chapter 1 . 1/21/2013
This-'He wants to shout that he's been sleeping on the couch with Nelson because the bed isn't the same; that he still doesn't know how to work a washing machine and it's starting to negatively affect his attire; that Nelson whines at the bedroom door at three in the morning and lies down on the floor and waits for her; that West Side Story was on TV the other night and she loves West Side Story, so she should've just come over; that he's been thriving on the fridge full of food she left him but he could use some more milk so could she stop and get some on her way back from class? He hopes she had a good day, maybe she can help him out on his paper, not a chance, he'll vacuum before she gets there, he loves her, she loves him too—'
ScarlettFiona chapter 1 . 1/15/2013
Oh my god. I'm sitting her CRYING! You hit me right in the feels, and hard. Holy cow, this was so i amazing..
gwaaaine chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
RIGHT IN THE FEELS. You cruel genius of amazingness.
dreamarcher chapter 1 . 11/13/2012
You're amazing. Everything about this one hurt so much but it was so good. All my feeeeelllssss are spazzing and I feel like crying... It's so beautiful, your story and the show and everything it's so... so perfect... but painful...
Anyways, it was another masterpiece.
kinaabi chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
i don't think i have any adequate words for this. it's heartbreaking. it made me sob the first few times, and yet again i'm being reduced to tears. shit. it's so, so. gah.
fantasy shadow chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Whoa, this is so good. I feel like drowning myself in Wall-Art feels right now but oh well, it's worth it to read such gem. Please write more shorts like this, or variations of this, I LOVE this, and I sincerely hope they do something similar in the actual show ( Like a face down between the two, that would be so heart wrenching!)
Nell Fratelli chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
Hey, this sounds like a real fight scene! I know these are the hardest to pen, so kudos.

And please, please don't stop writing! As this summer hiatus drags on, it's becoming harder and harder not to log onto this site and surf for hours for post-Depths stories that DON'T want to make me drop a Thesaurus and a collection of literature on the world's doorstep just so they can know what the English language is supposed to look and sound like. Keep scratching away!
annicaspoon chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
Okay, so I re-read this - which was actually the worst thing I could have possibly done, because just like the first time, I am reduced to a sobbing mess (and I don't mean that as just an expression - I was actually crying while reading this - MY CHEEKS ARE WET). I don't know where you get this idea that you're not good at inducing emotion in your readers, because my god, you just cut open my chest, pulled out my heart, twisted it, stomped on it and put it back in upside down and back-to-front.

You can just FEEL everything Wally feels. You can feel his anger and his hurt, and just how how it is for him right now, but you can feel underneath that all he wants is to have her back. He misses her, and he just wants her to come home and (fuck, I'm crying again, Brella what the fuck?)

Just- oh god ;A;

ShipperBody chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
So sad and so touching. Me? I'm crying like an idiot.
I want so much to see an episode about how Wally is missing Artemis and I want to see their dog awoke! lol And yes, I love your fics. No doubt about it.
Thanks for the great chapter.
See Ya.

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