Reviews for Aiden in Wonderland
emodinosaurX3 chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
Perfect. It was perfect. That's all I can say about it. You are EXCELLENT at writing lemons, by the way. The best ones are always written subtly. ;) Nothing exceeding raunchy and inappropriate and just plain disgusting. But, truly, this was fantastic. (And perfect. xD) Aiden was perfect. Kira was perfect. This story and its plot was perfect. It is the perfect ending to them, well, so far. I still have yet to officially finish the story. d: But-wow. This was really great. I guess you can say you are no longer a lemon virgin. xD Hee hee. Ahhh ... this makes me want to write AATB. I will have to pull up that document soon. Great, great job.

-Michele (: