Reviews for Sayonara Lipstick
linkjames24 chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
Elesa's so blunt. Burgh's so genial. And Skyla's best wingwoman. Flying type indeed. Love the origin story.
L chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
Über cute
Huinari chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
So Burgh was the reason why. Well.

I feel cheap just leaving a few words and I hope you'll forgive me for it.

This was a wonderful story with a great insight into the past of the only known female electric gym leader. And also one of my favorite pairings. So kudos.

. . . god i feel so cheap.
Snoaz chapter 1 . 2/12/2013
I quite like the idea behind this, of Elesa trying to figure out who she is and wanting to be more than just a pretty face. Headcanon accepted.

'Elesa wondered if he grew to recognize the rhythm of her footsteps, or maybe the smell of her shampoo – but that sounded too romantic.' I liked that line.

'Maybe she would be sobbing into Skyla's arms two weeks later, when they finally hit her heart. For now, it felt like a weight had been thrown off her shoulders.' I also liked how you let Elesa react here, I think it fits her.

Plus the ending: 'They walked out of the darkened hallway and into the spotlight.' Fittingly symbolic :)

Nice piece which explores both their characters (though indeed Elesa's more than Burgh's) and which definitely makes up for the lack of information in the games, haha. When there's no canon, turn to headcanon. Also have to mention the part where you spoke about Unova flourished etc. I like you tied that in with their personal story :)
ILikeShorts chapter 1 . 12/28/2012
I really like what you did with Elesa's character here... the idea that there's a downside to being beautiful, and her need to be seen as something more than just a pretty face. And at first, I wasn't sure how that was going to make sense, considering we all know she becomes a model in the end, but you definitely succeeded in explaining that, so, props to you.

I think my favorite part was the art show scene, when Burgh likened her to the painting ("There's a lot of unsaid things here that you don't notice at first glance")... it's all so wonderfully un-superficial, and while I've never been a very big fan of this pairing, I liked this a lot.

Also, on a much more random note, I love the title. I'm not entirely sure I get it, but it has a definite ring to it... like, it just sticks in your head. :D
Hoenn Master96 chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
I liked this very much.

The shipping isn't overdone, and this story certainly leaves room for continued development, should you wish to continue it.

Would it be too much to ask you to read my stories? Please?

Oh, one more thing...


Signed: Hoenn Master, forever a patriot.
Hipster Butterfree chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
I adore this ship! This Fanfiction is prefect, by the way. It's beautiful sculpted, wonderful build-up also! I also am in love with the fact that you made Burgh boost her confidence... I can't wait to see more of your writings!
Padfoot Arcanine chapter 1 . 8/10/2012
Oh, I loved this.

Your writing is just superb and I really enjoyed every minute of this fic. I hope you write more soon! :)
Curimuch chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
This is the first Elesa/Burgh fic I've read and the first Elesa and Burgh (as separate characters) I've read, and honestly, I can say with confidence that it'll likely be the best I'll ever read. At first I was kinda shocked at how long this was, but I kept reading and reading... and I never got bored of it at all. It was more than a shipfic/pairing story, it was a story of individual characters and very well told. I wish I could leave a better comment, but I just want to say it's great. I love the personalities, the description, the flow of time, etc. I really loved this fic.

It was a great read
Caelitea chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Eeeeee, I absolutely adored this. I really enjoy this pairing, because Burgh can see Elesa for more than just a pretty face, as you depicted in your fic. I loved how Elesa was portrayed; her struggle with beauty, and Burgh's thorough understanding and fascination with beauty overall. Skyla's friendship was fun too (haha I loved the "Elesa learned not to underestimate happy-go-lucky people".) along with the overall high school touch (also loved the boys lining up and "falling like dominoes" after her statement). Although I was disappointed to see it end, I kind of enjoyed the open ending too, since it applies to the games Elesa does become a model and dye her hair. Burgh brought her to a place where she (presumably) enjoys and becomes comfortable with herself.
Absolutely adored this fic!
xxkoffeexx chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
I never considered this pairing before, but now I can't help but want to read more of them! What exactly prompted you to write about these two? A particular moment or scene? Well I won't ask for your secrets but I enjoyed reading about teenage Burgh and Elesa. Together. Wow.
Draconic-Master chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
I love this 3 it's cute and a lovely read to see them pre-BW like this and have someone's idea of how they got to their positions
Wrathie Winsre chapter 1 . 7/18/2012
I don't really follow your Poke-Game fics, but I'm happy I read this one, all this considered.
Elesa is so ... you know, pretty x3 So it's one of the reasons for that.
Burgh is odd... I mean, odd as in, I can't get the image of that Honey Gym and all that.
So the pairing was something unexpected, something that I liked.

Pacing of the story wise I feel was a little... spaced out, it's good but not good if you're short on patience.
There seemed to be.. no theme till the middle, Elesa seemed to be the 'perfect' one till the flaw comes into place, which is a little.. confusing, seeing that the narrative was in Burgh's view at the start, so it only took a while for it to sink in that Elesa was the main focus of this.

In general I think you portrayed the world of the game-universe quite well and I'll look forward to the sequel, if any..
Since it's... a little abrupt in the ending, you failed to deliver on that part, which is an exception, too abrupt maybe? Ahaha

I don't think there's any more I can comment on except that you captured the personalities you wish to capture in the two of them very well. Although I'm uncertain if everyone can accept that.

Till the next time