Reviews for The High Price Of Mind Control Removal
Avatar Aang chapter 32 . 8/3/2019
Please write more, this is wonderful i love it xx
Sjislash chapter 32 . 2/12/2019
Plz update! Best story ever!
MysteriousGuest chapter 32 . 1/11/2019
Thank you for this great story! It's been interesting to follow what could have happened if Loki would have had physical mind control device actually put in his brain and how to survive when it is taken of. You tell well what it is like to Loki himself and the others around him. It's great that he gets to have a second childhood and that he is okay with him being Jotun now. And sad that he can't probably have any children. Thank you Bruce for comforting him! I haven't read any comics so I don't know what is canon and what is not, but your Doctor Strange and the political stuff with different realms' sorcerers supreme is interesting. It's fun how you put Tony and Strange to argue when they first met :D Tony doesn't believe in magic at all and doesn't know that he is a doctor and Strange is like -.- . I also like the fact that Loki is kind of a mechanical sorcerer, I hadn't heard of that before. And it was so cute when Loki made his first prank and how he woke Thor up with the communication machine that Tony made him! :3 I hope that Sigyn can make a visit to Loki :)
N2 chapter 32 . 6/13/2018
Please continue.
Hela Death Girl chapter 32 . 3/26/2018
Great story! I like that you've given more of the effect and after effects of the mind control, instead of just focusing on the torture part like more stories.
excessivelyperky chapter 32 . 12/30/2016
This is wonderful progress-even without the right words, Loki is finding *himself*.

I do wish you'd continued this, but it's not a bad place to end, with Loki realizing who he truly is and how much Thor really knows.
Guest chapter 32 . 12/1/2016
Please don't let it end here! I can't stand it when people start another fanfiction story and abandon perfectly good ones like this one.
StarlightGilgalad chapter 32 . 11/15/2016
Awesome story! Please continue! I noticed that last update was several years ago and almost started to cry. Please tell me this strory isn't abandoned! It's wonderfully well written and the story itself is highly captivating. I absolutely love it!
Plot Bunny Guest chapter 32 . 11/6/2016
Hiya, new reader here, I thought this story was absolutely stunning and amazing, but there is one thing I do find challenging to accept. That is the fact you haven't updated since 2014, so, if you could I'd greatly appreciate it!
Guest chapter 32 . 9/5/2016
More! More! More!
Dew That Is Blue chapter 31 . 8/9/2016
please continue this again soon! it's so awesome! :D
Dew That Is Blue chapter 32 . 8/9/2016
this is so good! I love it and Loki... small Loki must be better. He must be happy and speaking with his silver tongue and playing pranks and tricks on people and and and! ehhh
Dew That Is Blue chapter 8 . 8/9/2016
*sits staring at imaginary Tony* Doctor Strange is a neurosurgeon bruh. He's a proper doctor! don't be mean to him!
No name plz chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
This story is fabulous. I know you have a lot of fics out there to work on. But if it is any way possible could you please continue this story? I know you probably won't see this and that its been two years but maybe you will read this and hopefully update please?
excessivelyperky chapter 31 . 2/25/2016
Oh, lovely! Frigga said Loki was good at adapting already-there technology even if he didn’t develop his own—so I expect him to have fun with the human tech that Tony already has.
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