Reviews for Bittersweet Birthday
Chantaje chapter 1 . 6/7/2018
Ah, pardon me, but I believe that Arthur was trying to make crepes, yes? I regret to inform you that there is no sugar in crepes. However, it was just for the plot, so it is not too big of a deal, and I liked the rest of the story!
HetalianOtaku chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
Ahh I love this... I love all FrUk. All. Of. It!
Um, I didn't notice a lot of things but I believe that you put 'merdi' which is incorrect, it is 'merde' with an e. But that's about it. Maybe I was just fan-ing out.

Hasta La Pasta,

Guest chapter 1 . 4/20/2015
This was great! I did notice one error though. It was when Arthur was, ah, sucking Francis off, and Francis said 'merdi'. I'm pretty sure that's not actually a french word. There's 'merci', which means thank you, and there's 'merde', which means 'fuck', but 'merdi isn't a word. Other than that, it was perfect! And nice touch, sending in Alfred and Matthew at the end. It was hilarious. XD
OodleNoodle chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
The frosting bit was genius! The whole story was both steamy and kind of sweet. xD Great work!
lastyearsking chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
Epic epic epic epic epic epic epic epic AMAZING epic epic epic!

Neko-Chan approved.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
me gusta a lot!
Kswags83 chapter 1 . 7/19/2012
I love it ! very sexy FRUK 3
Iraqi-Poo17 chapter 1 . 7/16/2012
I don't like FrUk much but I love the ones you make! Keep up the great work mien friends! :)
Maid of Blood chapter 1 . 7/16/2012
My god... That was beautiful. Well done!
Xou chapter 1 . 7/16/2012
I don't usually review, but this time, it's an exception ;) And especially I don't usually review for M rated fanfict since it's sort of like my guilty little secret pleasure... But how can you just ignore a beautiful story like that?
And Iggy is officially my best buddy, I also once mistook the salt for the sugar, but cooked with it anyway! Hopefully, I realize the mistake I had made and redid the recipe over after that little innocent... I'm a Canadian with England cooking skill and France sense! It's not a good thing, I know, but at least, I'm abble to cook scone without burning them! (Even tough the only time I tried to cook scones, they tasted like... Well... How could I describe something that just tasted so plain?)
Anyway moving on
By the way, do you mind if I correct a little French mistake? '' Merde'' is suppose to be write like that, not like ''merdi'' (which mean nothing and just look like the words ''mardi'' who mean Tuesday (or is it Thursday? Whatever come first between those two, not my fault if these words look the same for me!), and if you didn't already know, it means ''shit''. But there's also a pure totally only used uniquely in France words to say ''shit'', ''putain''. That was the little French lesson of the day! :D
Oh, and anytime soon, you feel like writing FrUk smut, don't hesitate to contact me, I will let you stick writing the dirty part and I will stick to my fetish of seeing Arthur speak in French to Francis will doing the thing! ;) (I have some weird fetish... But the biggest of them all is probably my fetish of green eyes and abs *drools*)
So in the end, you see why I don't usually review... That took me long time to write, believe me!
Francey-pants98 chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
I had butterflies the entire time Merci Sophie
ShinigamiLuvApples chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
Amazing :D FrUK is my OTP 3 Ahh this made my day, loved it hahaha :D Happy Birthday dear Francis :)