Reviews for Sneaking into your dreams
Guest chapter 8 . 6/9
Your work is incredible and I can see you growing as an author as I read this. People put way too much stock into proper grammar and spelling and shit when they could just use their brains and context clues for a fraction of a second to figure it out. Thank you for writing this, it captures the feeling of being young dumb and in love so well lol. I love it and every part of it makes my heart melt
caroeclipse chapter 13 . 4/16
ohhh very very good please, continue write the story please. I am deseando the updated
please please write new chapter please.

Inksprophecy chapter 13 . 12/29/2019
I really hope you’re going to finish this.
Wika0304 chapter 13 . 12/20/2019
please update, it's great
Guest chapter 13 . 12/19/2019
Please update, I love it
Guest chapter 13 . 10/22/2019
Hi, i Love Your story

Why don’t you continue it ?

is really good
GrangerIsOurQueen7117 chapter 13 . 6/17/2019
screw you for abandoning this. after I spent the past 10 hours reading it.
moldyolive chapter 1 . 5/19/2019
great read so far but I still have no clue why Robb and Jon share a room. non of the other stark children do. I'm pretty sure they have there own rooms in canon.
kenriot1214 chapter 13 . 4/23/2019
Hope this isnt abandoned
AraelDranoth chapter 2 . 4/20/2019
Still like the idea. This chapter was very shoddily written though and the method of speech still makes me wince.
AraelDranoth chapter 1 . 4/20/2019
I like the idea and, aside from a few minor mistakes it is written well.

I do not like the - whenever someone is talking. It is horrible on the eyes and doesn't read well. I'd recommend switching to the normal "" when people are speaking.
will chapter 1 . 4/17/2019
interesting and I'm enjoying it but there's just a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes
nayaksk308 chapter 1 . 7/6/2018
this is great. I love every jon Arya fic and it is one of the best
Meaningless Us3rname chapter 13 . 6/3/2018
This story is great. hands down the best jon/arya and arguably the best of ASOIAF/GOT. Each character is well developed and invests the reader in their lives. Jon And Arya show real emotional turmoil between what's right and wrong in their relationship and it makes them feel like real people. Not to mention how each of the Stark men have also shown how incredible they are too. Sansa and Cat have not gotten much time though so we really don't know much about how they feel about everything and what they will choose between family and ambition. one thing I'm really looking forward to is Dany finding them and telling the truth so that Jon can become a new dragon king and Arya his warrior queen... I do hope you decide to continue, but if you chose not to because of the things in this author's note than I do understand and I am still very glad to have read what is available
Meaningless Us3rname chapter 3 . 6/1/2018
one thing that is confusing are the characters ages, how old are they all? I mean Arya is developed enough to have pubic hair and breasts but she only now had her first period. is she 12 like in the show or older?
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