Reviews for Capitoline
Guest chapter 36 . 7/20
That really was a very good story !
I absolutely loved it
I know it has been seven years since the last update, but I really hope that you are going to complete it one day :-)
It was as if I am reading another book in the series :-D
sunniebelle chapter 36 . 4/21/2018
I absolutely loved this entire story! You had me on the edge of my seat so many times, nearly biting my fingernails, waiting to see what happened next! It felt like I was reading one of Mr. Scott Westerfeld's books! Well done!
Will there be any more? I would love to read more!
Sammy chapter 36 . 3/6/2017
Hey, I just got to this point in you story and I have to say I absolutely love it! I know its been a while since you updated but do you have any plans on finishing it? Either way good job on the amazing piece!
Sam chapter 26 . 2/24/2017
I have been absolutely engrossed in your fanfic. I've been part of the fandom for a while, but never bothered reading fics and I have to say I love the way you bring fresh ideas while still keeping the "leviathan" feel. Love it!
Guest chapter 36 . 9/13/2015
This is my favorite fanfic I've ever read I reealllyyy hope that there's still more to this story!
SixWings chapter 36 . 6/6/2015
Plzplzplz continue this! Your writing is just flat out amazing!
Stronger-Than-Fear chapter 36 . 2/22/2014
kateflowrchild13 chapter 36 . 6/28/2013
Aghhhhhh I love it so much! I can't wait for the next chapter and I love all the Alek/Deryn! Please update soon! Take your time, of course. There's no rush and I don't mean to pressure you, but this is so excellent!
MissyBailey chapter 36 . 6/5/2013
It's fantastic! I can't wait to read more!
WolfishMoon chapter 36 . 5/1/2013
Awesome fic!
Pretty well written through it does contain the occasional spelling/grammar mistake. One thing I'd like to point out that as Nora Darwin Barlow is a real person, she has actual family. For example, The Nora Barlow in the real world was married to Sir Alan Barlow (yeah, he was a knight. Awesome, right?) not a Dr. James Barlow. She also had real siblings, an older brother named Erasmus and a younger sister named Ruth (the siblings thing didn't irk me quite so much, however). You also mentioned that she had no children, but by 1914 her eldest child (a daughter) was already two years old. For whatever reason, this actually irked me. Not entirely sure why it did, but... Hey.
Other than mix ups about the Barlow/Darwin family this is really good, so update as soon as you can. But I totally understand that life gets in the way sometimes
Stephan chapter 36 . 4/25/2013
It was amazing! It was really good,I waited for the part where Alek and Deryn should kiss. I am a big fan of Leviathan and Behemoth. I haven't read the 3de book yet,can you please email if its good to me. My email adress is will you please,please PLEASE email if the 3de book is good. I found almost no mistakes,just one or two but not a big deal. Please would you email me! Thank you! I would also try telling you what you should maybe change or put in,'kay!
Deviant1 UK chapter 36 . 3/27/2013
This story is quite good, but there are a lot of spelling mistakes throughout the story. Last chapter was perfect though )
DragonLady Warrior chapter 36 . 3/18/2013
Yay! Everything is working out so well. However that makes me feel like some big catastrophe will happen next and it probably will. Oh I absolutely loved that fluff moment. Alek is so sweet, finding a place for them to live. It's funny cuz in the last chapter I was just thinking that they needed a fluff moment and you put one in the very next chapter. It's like you knew what the readers wanted (at least that's what I wanted). Anyway I hope some big twist comes next cuz I really feel like something should. It might be all the other stories I'm reading. I can't wait!
Guest chapter 36 . 3/16/2013
I love this story! The way you write it is so convincing, and I even forget that this is a fanfic in places.
There are of course errors in places but problems like that wiil diminish in time as you grow as writer.
Any idea how close to the end you are storywise ?
Like will you cover alek and deryn settling down or up? :)
TheValkyrie chapter 35 . 3/13/2013
I sort of what some fluff from Alek and Deryn. Don't know why. I just want fluff. Like marshmallows. Maybe some snuggle fluff when they're resting? Just a thought. I am really loving your story a lot and it is turning out wonderfully!
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