Reviews for Scout Finds a Butterfly
Kimberly Cleo Sincerely chapter 1 . 11/16/2013
I can't stop laughing. Hey can I animate this in my random shorts from fanfiction which I will do sometime in the future. I'll credit you because this is a free thing.
Limonada chapter 1 . 8/3/2012
That was the best ending ever.
ThisisPorky.exe chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
THIS IS WAS FUCKING CUTE. I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH THIS MADE ME SMILE EN SHIT LIKE THAT BECAUSE YOU MADE SCOUT SOUND SOOOOOO CUTE. I don't feel sorry for Sphai because I think the Scout will look after him. 3 ...I didn't know he could fly... A-anyway, it was adorable. Nuff' said.
Music-Is-Life-88 chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
Thank you. Thank you for making my day xD
Kanta-ng-Bagyo chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
I just had to read it the moment I saw its title. I was not to be disappointed. It's beautiful fluff. I like the way you portrayed Scout, you kept him in-character really well. All the parts in this story, from the beginning, to the way you introduced Scout's goal ( It was his goal in life to catch that fucking butterfly), to his success (They jea-lous, they hat-in', 'cause I got me a BUTTERFLY! Bitches hatin'! Bitches hatin'!), to the naming and ownership, to the last line, was just brilliant. Brilliant.

Good job mate. :))
Andsome Rogue chapter 1 . 7/15/2012

Sorry, my hands just spazzed all over because of the kawaiiness contained within this.
M.cheif chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
It's been a looong time since i last read a really good fanfic... this was amazing! Not only was it coherent (incoherency being a frighteningly frequent problem with the stories i've recently read), but it was also written really really well.
Oh yeah; and it's funny as hell! XD
Rarshy chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Poor, poor butterfly...
Hawkfeather-Love chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Jinny the Kisaragi chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
"A motherfucking butterfly.

Scout had to fucking catch it.

It was his goal in life to catch that fucking butterfly."

You just made me laugh my goddamn butt off. I LOVE this, it is SO FUNNY! I love his victory cheer and song and how he's naming off all of the things they're going to do together XD great work
Jaxson The Great chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
OH BOY that's hilarious. XD I was laughing from the moment I saw the summary. Jimbob? Butterfly? And then I read it.

Pure comical genius.