Reviews for Midnight Feature
Prettyprincess2001 chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
Love the story
BootyPeachy chapter 1 . 5/24/2014
Like it!
B chapter 1 . 4/22/2014
Love it :')
taylor chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
i love love LOVE IT!
Giulietta Marescotti chapter 1 . 3/30/2013
Aw! That was sooo cute and sweet! I LOVE IT!
guest chapter 1 . 3/9/2013
awesome and kewt :3
fadedillusion101 chapter 1 . 11/19/2012
Too cute!
SoccerSocks09 chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
Fo anotherrrrr plzzzz
Lolibeagle chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
Aw that was so cute!
kuku88 chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
great job! :D
anyways, this was really sweet. i really liked the way you portrayed brick and blossom in fits them so well.
so many good authors have joined 1000GreenSun's contest. looks like i got some MORE major competition! lol. :3
now, without trying to sound arrogant, i'd really appreciate if you read my contest entry, "Hot Summer Love Story", and left a review. if you do, thanks so much! if not, thanks for reading this anyway.
ahh yes, summer is the time for all that. ;)
hehe blossom...why'd you pay to see the movie then?
figures that bubbles and buttercup would be in those kind of places...that's just like them.
seems like it's not a very good movie theatre...with all that going on.
haha blossom you don't like the girl in the movie? the reason she seems so naive and gullible to you is because that's what happens when a girl's in love...
and according to a voice in the back of your head, you don't know what that's like. sure you're never going to be like that? i doubt you'd ever worship men, but surely you'd do i say this? "with your head in the clouds" when you realize you're in love, i guess.
and the voice in the back of her head says that's why she doesn't have a boyfriend...
she tells it to shut up...
and earns glances from the peeps in the theatre. XD
and hmm...there's a weight beside her...
aww, it turns out it's brick. :D
wait a sec, why's brick watching a cheesy movie like this? O.o
are you not as manly as we think you may be, brick? *raises eyebrow*
blossom turns away...
brick makes her turn back around and tells her not to ignore him...ohhh... ;)
blossom asks why he can't sit somewhere else...c'mon blossom; let's be a little but more open, 'kay? ;D
haha he says he can and that it's packed. is it, now? ;)
lol yeah, you DID pay to see it but...why did you if you don't like it? maybe you didn't think it'd be so cheesy and "insulting" to girls? :o
the jock and the girl are about to kiss...
blossom gagged. XD
haha brick asks if she thinks she can do better. can she? we'll just have to see. ;)
blossom tells him to shut up...
he asks if she's afraid to show him how much of a pro she is? aww; how do you reply to that, blossom? :3
haha she says shut up again.
brick says whoever was her first kiss must've been a lucky guy and that she looks like a natural? awww; that's sweet of him. x3
blossom blurted out that she's never kissed anybody...then she goes into shocks and embarrassment, claps her hands over her mouth, and bends over.
"what?" ahh, brick...nice response. i must say, very romantic. XD
blossom's reply is muffled, but she confirms it.
...and brick doesn't believe her. he says no way... ;3
blossom asks what makes him say that... x3
his reply? "who wouldn't want to kiss you?" that's so sweet of you, brick. :3
blossom...i don't think he's just saying that.
and he confirms that he's not. (told ya!)
they're staring at each other...but blossom looks away first. i really liked the way you described that scene, btw. :3
hmm, movie's still going on, eh?
and then fingers gently grab her chin and turn her back towards brick...blossom's feeling the sensation! :o
hmm...brick being the lucky guy...that seems legit. blossom looking like a natural? sure. ;)
AWW! THEY KISSED! that's was so cute and sweet! nice job of describing it too. ;3
when they stop for air, they're both red-faced, huh...
and then brick says that he told her she'd be a natural and leans in for more? SO. DAMN. SWEET. :D
do you feel like the girl in the movie NOW, blossom? and brick not doing anything bad, huh? now that he's done something, do you think it's good or bad? ;D
and you rewrote this FIVE times? well, i must say, it's very good.
and don't worry, even if it was at a carnival, i'm sure you would've found some way to make it as sweet as it is. ;)
and please go read "Hot Summer Love Story" and leave a review? i thank you very much if you do! x3
well, i'm sure you'll hear from me sometime soon! bye! :D
Izzy's Frizzies chapter 1 . 7/11/2012
The cutenes... it's gone overload for me...

"I'd love to be that lucky guy." made me squeall SO FREAKING LOUDLY! My Mom was like "WTF, QUIET DOWN!"

Yea... my Mom a bit on the angry side... :P

But yea, thanks for the good read! Oh, and good luck with the contest ;)

Serenally chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
THE CHESMISTRY BETWEEN THOSE TWO WAS SIMPLY INCREDIBLE! I seriously LOVED how Brick wanted to be "the lucky guy"...Oh gosh that was so romantic! :3 Also, the whole thing was awesomely written (because you know, "well-written" only doesn't really say how much your fic was)! Good luck for the contest! I feel a big bad though, your entry rocks compared to mine :P
amythist7 chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
It's so adorable! Why wasn't my first kiss as cute as this? Awesome job, good luck in the contest :D
Bri A. Watson chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
I loved. Could you continue with the story? I'd really appreciate it.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
I like i liiike
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