Reviews for Amethyst
ragnaremere chapter 1 . 8/21
LOVEE! greeat work
BeastyCOTN chapter 30 . 4/28
I know u will probably never see this but this was an amazing story that warmed my heart and also made me appreciate my family for all its flaws.
kanyeet chapter 30 . 12/16/2018
I couldn't stop smiling while reading. I love Irosami and this was a gem to read. If only they were canon. *sigh* I really loved Pema's conversation with Asami and the advice she gave her, and I loved the way you wrote the characters. Thank you so much!
Zessia chapter 30 . 8/10/2018
Omg i loved every chapter!
Amazing story! Thank you so much! *-*
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14/2018
"She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" Wow Iroh right in front of Asami? Wow.
kaukiji chapter 1 . 4/20/2018
the most interesting fic about avatar keep it up author
kaukiji chapter 30 . 4/19/2018
its a beautiful story dear author
Guest chapter 8 . 4/10/2018
"She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" Wow Iron right in front of Asami? Wow.
kaitothegreat chapter 30 . 1/6/2018
I have no words to describe this FIC GAHHHH, I think no matter what I say, it'll just be pure understatement.
To be honest, the starting reason why I even bother reading Irosami fics is because I like G. Iroh. And for some reason or another, "most" people paired him up with Asami and I'm just like "Ok, if thsi pairing can satisfy my craving of hotness, then why not?" And then i stumbled across your fic and I realized hOLY CRAP WHY HAVE I NOT SHIP THEM TOGETHER BEFORE? It's not really about their "moments" in the canon series or whatsnot. It's about the potential of what their story could have been if they are together, and oh boy you've flawlessly put it all out

THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL FIC. Not sure if you'll ever read this review but I can't stop myself from leaving one here. It's just too awesome.
kaitothegreat chapter 1 . 1/5/2018
I am DEAD IDK IF you will read this review but I am crying right now because this wasn't a "drabble" i expected, no. I thought it'll be just a drabble one-shots of random cutesy moments but Omg it's actually an actual fic with a start, climax, relatable parts and moments between the chapters and I LOVE IT.
I especially love "Transformation" chapter omg the way you describe General Iroh is remarkably hot. And "Silver" OMG AGAIN? THat letter from G. Iroh is so sweet? OKAY basically I LOVE ALL OF IT. Every time I finished a chapter and was about to move on to the next, I'm just thinking "Can it ever get better than this chapter?" AND YES IT DID. IT ALWAYS DID. GAHHHHH

OKAY HOnestly i havent read everything YET. I wanted to leave a review at the end but i'm honestly too scared to reach the end because it would mean it's THE END OF THE BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING FIC AND I CAN'T HANDLE THAT SADNESS? UGH. BUT I WANT TO READ MORE OF IT? THIS TURMOIL IS KILLING ME

You are an amazing author. Truly.
Descriptions: beautiful written.
Emotions: Beautifully crafted.
Tension/plot wise: BLOODY BRILLIANT

i Love you a lot and thank you SO MUCH for writing this. I'll definitely finished this fic soon, and I hope I'll remember to review before going to cry in my bed. Too bad this pairing didn't work out, but that's where the fandom need people like you to help us create such an beautiful art. I just can't help but stress on how beautiful this is UGH so thank you once again! :")
PageTurner456 chapter 1 . 10/5/2017
May I just say... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH! This is so cute! I absolutely loved it!
You Don't Know Me150 chapter 30 . 9/17/2017
I don't care how many years ago this was written, this was one of the best Avatar stories I've ever read. It is literally, a beautiful, amazing, heartfelt, and well-written breathe of fresh air from all the Korrasami crap. Some of your chapters hit me right in the feels, love it! I always liked this ship. Definitely putting this is in my favorites!
narutofan chapter 30 . 9/11/2016
I LOVE THIS! I know it's a bit late for my review, but seriously it was a joy reading this piece. Currently, I'm reading non-canon pairings that look so well together (e.g. Irosami), this is one of the fics that really validates the belief that Irosami would have been phenomenal together (no hate on the (implied?) canon pairing though). So, thank you. Kudos writer-san! Continue writing!
elfigh chapter 30 . 1/1/2016
Oh. My. Gods. I literally just spent and hour and a half of my life deboted to ur story. I couldn't put it down. I love this ship and I'm always sad when there are barely any fanfics for it. But then you beautiful person just gave me th is. And I loved it. This is a lot like how I imagined them getting together after I watched season 1 of lok. And them way you wrote their dynamic was beautiful. Thank you for writing this.
soniyamalik444 chapter 30 . 12/23/2015
It's a complete package :) wonderful
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