Reviews for Touch Me
Angelsheart85 chapter 21 . 7/15
I wajted. to comment ffew times during the story but Decided to postpine it till the end... And now I m speechless! This is one of the most beaautiful pueces of writing I have even encountered, and I. mean it! Your description if these two wonderful characters is one of the most beautiful one. out there! I could easily see them like this! Abd thank you for making things between them easy and flowing, without trials and tribulations in regard to their falling in love and relationship. Yeah we all know I think even if Maura and Jane were the cannon tv couple, it would have had probably taken a lot lf time for them to admit the feelings, just like in all of the ffs. So thank you for this beautoful piece!

I read it wwith such joy!

And yeah your command of the language and writung is AMAZING!
Angelsheart85 chapter 8 . 7/14
Chapter 8 and the aooearance of Angela Montenegrooooo! So I just took a sip of my coffee and when I saw her name I at first spit all of my coffee out in disbelief and than started squealing in delight, soooo loud! Yes out if all people only Angela can call Jane and Msura out on bulkshit! They should have make some cross over of RI and Bones, am I right? And especially letting Angela get close to Jane and Maura and tease them Now we need to erite a pettition for that!
Mauraslover chapter 17 . 11/1/2018
I know its only fanfiction but I have to say I dont like this chapter because of the tv interview. Those questions about their relationship were far too personal and the pictures being shown of them in underwear and intimate moments would never have happened irl because i'm sure both ladies would have stormed off. Also there is their jobs to think about especially Janes. I'm sure her bosses would have hit the roof. Maybe though their reaction is what you have planned for the next chapter.
Mauraslover chapter 9 . 10/31/2018
I know this is AU but why exactly was Crowe at the hospital? Everyone knows that he and Jane hate one another with a passion.
Mauraslover chapter 7 . 10/31/2018
I've only just found this story so apologies if its been mentioned before but I just dont understand this chapter at all. Firstly Maura says they arent dating but they are apparently sharing a bed and Maura seems to be sleeping in very little in terms of nightwear while in that bed. I know this story is au but there's just no way that Maura would go about in just one of Jane's t-shirts and her underwear. She's too well refined and brought up to do that and I dont think she'd be comfortable being in just her underwear around Janes family. She's apparently also happy with kissing Jane. I think you've maybe left something out of this chapter explaining how they became so friendly and comfortable doing things like this. I've also a feeling that Tommy is going to be trouble so I'm looking forward to reading that and his feelings about Maura and Jane.
crime fictiction chapter 20 . 1/22/2017
all good things come to an end
crime fictiction chapter 19 . 1/22/2017
can they manage to be apart
crime fictiction chapter 18 . 1/22/2017
another thing missed on the show
crime fictiction chapter 17 . 1/22/2017
never speak to soon its a curse lol
crime fictiction chapter 16 . 1/22/2017
the cat wont be kept waiting
crime fictiction chapter 15 . 1/22/2017
oh my will they just marry lol
crime fictiction chapter 14 . 1/22/2017
a girl's gotta do wat a girl's gotta do its in the asking that matters lol
crime fictiction chapter 13 . 1/22/2017
i love it
crime fictiction chapter 12 . 1/22/2017
oh countraire lol
crime fictiction chapter 11 . 1/22/2017
maurais where she is meant to be
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