Reviews for Broken Wings
mrspencil chapter 1 . 1/8
Just wanted to add a little more to my initial review, even if you no longer post was such a delight to realise that you had added Biggles to the HH a long time reader of WE Johns and a recent discoverer and enthusiast of Hogans Heroes. Not a meld I would have thought of, but it works beautifully. Bits that stood out...Biggles contact with Raymond and the hint of how impatient Algy and Bertie and co were for news and to act, the slight shock at just how ruthless Von Stalhein could be in a wartime setting. I don’t think he actually harmed any of the team in any of the books, so his scene with Ginger was unexpected, but actually made sense in the context. Biggles being competent and concerned and a worthy equal to Hogan, with some quick thinking and perfect German accent. Kestrel grew on me as the tale progressed and she was fleshed out a bit, an interesting history and character, and the rescue was tense, with the set back regarding Ginger’s whereabouts. And Ginger remained willing to endure anything rather than betray his friends. Great work:-)
mrspencil chapter 23 . 8/11/2019
Hi...yes I know this is a few years old and, I presume, never to be finished...but thank you for an entertaining read:-) It was a surprise to find Biggles here, I think you have him neatly in character...(though I think his code of honour would be a bit strained on Ginger’s behalf.)and Von Stalhein is a fine adversary for them all. Quite a poignant central theme, and a fair few loose ends to ponder upon.
newkathy97 chapter 23 . 2/15/2013
Gosh...this is even later than usual...I'm so sorry!

Liked Hogan's comment about the line up LOL

Incidentally, I've read a couple of Biggles books since my last review, and I must say they are quite entertaining.

Good chapter! And once again, sorry for being so terribly unfaithful in my reviews.
Sgt. Moffitt chapter 23 . 1/28/2013
Cue the scary music...von Stalhein's back, and suspicious as ever! Fortunately, Newkirk can think on his feet, and I love that you have him trade his cockney accent for a Beatles one to throw the bad guy off the track.

And I love Hogan's parting line to von really put him in his place. Von Stalhein might be a villain, but Hogan's dealt with worse!
ColHogan chapter 23 . 1/27/2013
Looks like Hogan and Newkirk have BIG trouble. von Stalhein has got to go. Loved the exchange between Hogan and Klink. Here's hoping Hogan can come up with a plan to get rid of von Stalhein before he causes trouble for Hogan and his men along with Kestrel and the others.
Sgt. Moffitt chapter 22 . 12/17/2012
So back to what passes for routine at good old Stalag 13, after the excitement of the night before. The reality of Hogan's irritability and the general unrest of the prison population is very well described and believable. Not so believable is the smiling Kestrel passing out bacon and eggs later on (sort of reminded me of Millie feeding the brutes in "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers)...but I guess the artichokes and Chateaubriand in the pilot episode aren't too plausible either.

All in all, a good transition chapter as we anticipate the return of the evil von Stalhein!
konarciq chapter 22 . 12/16/2012
A lovely light-hearted yet hearty chapter, with an ominous last line...

I wonder if Schultz is going to expect good breakfasts from Mills from now on, too? LOL
ColHogan chapter 22 . 12/15/2012
Oh boy, that last line sounds ominous. Hope he doesn't cause trouble for Hogan and the guys, nor for their guests. But I have a feeling he and Hogan are gonna bump heads.
Sgt. Moffitt chapter 21 . 12/11/2012
Nice detail regarding the sling and the "carefully cultivated screen of vegetation" around the emergency tunnel exit. I always wondered how they got poor Hercules down into the tunnel in "Operation Briefcase"...

I'm sure we haven't heard the last of Hoffmann and von Stalhein. And I have a funny feeling that Hogan's going to have to renege on his last statement.
konarciq chapter 21 . 12/8/2012
Uh oh... Clearly the story isn't over yet. I hope Hoffmann and co won't cause too much trouble. Would be fun to see Bigglesworth at roll call though ;-)
ColHogan chapter 21 . 12/7/2012
Glad to see Hogan and company made it back safely as did Bigglesworth and Hebblethwaite. However, the ending sounds ominous. I have to wonder how Hogan is going to deal with Hoffman and Von Stalhein if they return to Stalag 13 asking questions. Like Hogan, I've a funny feeling those two are gonna show up again.
konarciq chapter 20 . 12/1/2012
Smart move of Ginger's there! I was really puzzled at first, until that was mentioned!

Good, fast-moving chapter. I wonder if things are seriously winding down already, or if there are more tricks up ahead.
newkathy97 chapter 20 . 11/25/2012
Hogan has got it right when he says every member of his team is absolutely necessary.

Loved the action in this. Good on Ginger, what? :)
Sgt. Moffitt chapter 20 . 11/25/2012
A fast-paced chapter, and I didn't mind Hogan using the big, big D at all. I knew that nasty Hoffmann would have a trick up his sleeve, and I'm very glad Hogan and the others are safe, although it's a shame Hoffmann got away. I suppose he had to, so he can free von Stalhein to fight another day.

It's very funny to have Bigglesworth, with all the adventures he's had, to say to Hogan at the end of the chapter:

"I'll be glad when we're all safely back in England. I don't know how you do this, Hogan, I really don't."
ColHogan chapter 20 . 11/25/2012
Too bad Hoffman got away. I hope they can catch him before he causes any trouble for Hogan and his men. And what about Von Stalhein? I sense this story is winding down, but that you may have another surprise still in store for us before then.
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