Reviews for Libretto
QueenOfNerds713 chapter 8 . 12/14/2018
That was an amazing story, I was hooked from the very beginning. As sad as it was, I think this ending was better; it was unpredictable and fitting for the story and characters as a whole.
I loved it, you are a very talented person. :)
UnSweet Forest chapter 8 . 8/3/2017
Slowly burn. I actually expected a happy ending kxibxhwfoznhfNskdk
ZipADeeDooDah chapter 8 . 8/13/2016
I didn't really dig this one, I think it might have been too close to the inspiration source for me.

The things I did like though were:

The childhood promise: I'm not really a fan of this so I liked the reveal that of course Miku would not remember a promise she made when she was a kid ages ago.
The end: I liked how Miku's indecision then attempt to have both things ended with her unhappy and with deep regret while Luka had a relatively peaceful end.
chi2lyn chapter 8 . 6/6/2016
and fuck i cried again. shame on you for making a girl cry. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *runs to a corner and cries*
Guest chapter 1 . 3/15/2016
This is great is soooo sad imma dieeee~
-cries to death-
Guest chapter 1 . 2/16/2016
This introduced me to "The Phantom of the Opera". I had heard of it, but wasn't interested in it until now. I love this story too, very well made
Athkore chapter 8 . 2/14/2016
Just wow... this was such an amazing fanfic, though I think you should replace the Drama tag with Tragedy.

The story was extremely well written and engaging enough that I couldn't help but read this all in one sitting.

You really got the emotions of the characters across amazingly and gave me good reason to feel for them. Especially Luka's character, her need to be accepted making her act so eloquently was a great touch -and I loved the tragically poetic way she spoke at times, her entire story was so sad and just moved me.

The ending was perfect, and the last scene made me loose it, this is the first time I cried like a baby while reading any form of written media i_i.

Thank you for such a great story.
Zexalsparky chapter 8 . 10/11/2015 trying not to let the manly tears out...I really loved it and yes i would like you to write a happy ending! This is the first fanfic to make me feel like that good job :)
ShadowXXCC chapter 8 . 9/29/2015
I just read a fic with the plotline of Phantom of the Opera with Vocaloid characters...

...and somehow I regret nothing. Holy crap, that was awesome.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/27/2015
Dude what the fucking hell! She was her first friend and suddenly she screams wtf wtf wtf!.

Look im gonna continue reading since it my habit to continue when im not meant to so il continue reading.
yourself v chapter 8 . 6/13/2015
Hello... Uhmm... May i see the good end too ahahahaha nothing really... The story is good, great even! I like it ahahaha thw flow of the story is so incredible! Anyway, thanks for writing this it is really brilliant XD
Luka - chan 64 chapter 8 . 11/20/2014
Hey D

Awesome FF! I love your writing style :) Sometimes i was really shoked how it turns and how they act so different in not even a minute, but that made it exciting. In the end you write that you write a ",good-ending-version" of the end, and i would like to know how this would have turned D

LiamBieX chapter 8 . 8/3/2014
This is a really nice story and ending but I love Serenata's ending much more. :)
GooBall chapter 8 . 6/12/2014
Loved it ! It reminded me of V for Vendetta.

Tuba-chan chapter 8 . 5/26/2014
Oh God, the tears... I got done reading "Serenata" about a few hours ago, and now I'm torturing myself with this. I don't know what it is about this story that always makes me cry. At first, at the beginning of chapter 8, my eyes start to water a bit because I know what's going to happen, but there's always one particular part where I officially lose it and sob out loud. This part would have to be where Luka says, "I just want you to love me." It just makes me so emotional. Maybe it's the way it's described, how she's in such a wrecked state, only wishing for her beloved to truly love her and not pity her. And then when my tears start to let up just a little bit, they come back at full force when she dreams that Miku says "I love you." and then dies. Such an emotional roller coaster, you're an amazing author, Nuke! *I hope it's okay to call you that (./.)*
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