Reviews for Causatum
noda9912 chapter 1 . 7/9/2015
I love this. Gave me a new view of Captain America. Crazy stuff, lots of feels. Amazing
Yusuke Urameshi - Mazoku chapter 7 . 8/16/2013
Awesome! So much development!
hypercell chapter 7 . 4/14/2013
I love this story and I would love more stories in ths verse.
ym4yum1 chapter 7 . 4/7/2013
Love it. All. Perfect end.

Steve is a little too weep, but it's ok, the path you created worked!

Thanks dear! It was a pleasant reading!
Keep writing! Xxoo Mari
ym4yum1 chapter 6 . 4/7/2013
1. Friendship! Canon! Thanks!
2. Another Steve's apology, ok!
3. Hate the virgin story, but ok, doesn't make a difference here.
4. Pepper is great!
Only one chapter to go. Tony has to apologize, please!
ym4yum1 chapter 5 . 4/7/2013
Omg! I forgot to tell that I adored when Steve tricks Jarvis to open the elevator and surprises Tony! Yes dear! As I just said in another review, great leader that wakes up in the future and wins a war against aliens using the most unprecedented teammates powers, cannot be dumb!
Loved the movies references! I adore Nanny Diaries and therefore I ship Steve and Nat!
And you got me! Tony thinks he doesn't deserve any apologize, and he's too embarrassed to give his own!
Oh, god, only 2 more chapters... I don't want that to end... :)
ym4yum1 chapter 4 . 4/7/2013
Ok! Now you made me definitely happy! Yes Tony, there's no one like Steve!
That's why, for someone as lonely and in need of approval, as Tony, it's hard to be around him. Steve's the living proof that Howard lived and cared about someone... And Tony can't win this competition ever... :)
But Steve already soften the things praising Tony's work, cause they're truly beyond amazing! I love tech porn too!

And yes, Tony, that's the one billon dollar question!
"When the serum enhanced everything…did it really mean everything?" Lol!
ym4yum1 chapter 2 . 4/7/2013
I've watched the Iron Man's movies again, after the Avengers and Cap. And I'm happy that you're writing a non-ass Tony.
In the world were Steve is all the good, Tony doesn't represents all the bad. It's not that simple!
Yes, he's arrogant, but what we expected from a billionaire born with everything money can buy? Tony is THE celebrity. He can't help. And that's the point. As he said to Pepper, he had no one else. He doesn't know how to have a friend. You're writing it perfectly. :)
ym4yum1 chapter 1 . 4/7/2013
Here you captured Steve. All his doubts and thoughts, well done!
He said all those things. Unfortunately they were all true based on Tony's file with his actions on the past. Loki's influence made them all 'cruel'. And being Steve he has to apologize cause Tony proved everybody's wrong.
Tony's avoidance was good too. And Bruce is balanced. It's the contrast with his Hulk side! :)
But, but, but... what Tony said was beyond cruel. And totally untrue cause Steve was always special in his heart.
I'm so happy there're more chapters! I hope for the huge apology that Steve deserves and I know how Tony evolved and can make it happen! ;)
12345 chapter 1 . 2/18/2013
Bruce is hard... but good job. :) Yeah they did cut into each other pretty deep. If brainwashed Clint hadn't interfeared I was pretty sure they were going to start fighting, physically. Great job so far!
A chapter 5 . 1/15/2013
I like your story, truly I do. Just one criticism for this chapter: "I'm evicting you out, Barton" is gramatically incorrect. Evicting already means to kick out, so you're adding unnecessary words in the sentence. It should have just said "I'm evicting you, Barton". If you wanted to keep the word "out", then you could say "I'm kicking you out, Barton". Not both though. Sorry, that was the English major in me.
Aitana Otara chapter 7 . 1/4/2013

This one is very, very, oh so very beautiful! And although I usually would mind straight ships, I so totally would not mind the Pepperony in this because all the slash hints between Tony and Steve are just too numerous that they practically outnumber and outshine all the Pepperony moments-which are cool and awesome in their own right, too, by the way- (and it's not that I would mind the Clintasha-haha, really, I don't know what to call that ship- because those two practically come in a set and it's unfrickin believable how much they made me laugh so much in this story, too)!

Okay, I officially love you and this story.

Also, I just gotta say these things, chapter 2 was my favorite chapter since it was effin' hilarious; I love the talks at the top of the tower, especially about Steve being a Unicorn and asking about his size down there, though as subtly as Tony can try; the massaging was pretty damn entertaining and I just keep wondering if something else would happen *winkwink*; all the talk about Pepper or Tony cheating on each other because of the golden boy was pretty amusing as well, though all of that really just came from Tony himself; and Bruce was... okay, I guess. Basically, I'd write down that the whole story itself was goddamn epic.

Anyway, awesome story. It was well done and it's entertaining as hell. Nice work, mate! :D
Dairi chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
I thought you did pretty good with Bruce!

Heh, I never really thought about the real connection Steve could've made with what he said and Tony's near death, blaming himself...I could def. see that though.
WickedBlue chapter 7 . 11/22/2012
Love the fic. I really enjoyed all the angst :-) My favorite bit is Tony comforting Steve. Awe...

I hope you'll write a Tony/Steve one day. I'm sure it would be great. (Or maybe you have already? Need to check.)
SiriuslyScarredforLife chapter 2 . 11/15/2012
Tony's words want me to bang my head into a wall. Repeatedly. God, I wonder if this is what Steve feels like when talking to him. Congrats with capturing Tony's annoying presence perfectly.
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