Reviews for Of Oaths and Insanity
EricLightscythe chapter 13 . 4/16/2016
Good read!
Gunlord500 chapter 13 . 7/24/2013
It's all done? Phew...what a ride. Excellent ending, especially the last line...very subdued and appropriate. I'm glad you liked my reviews, my friend, and I hope this won't be the last time I see you 'round the FE section :D
Gunlord500 chapter 12 . 6/21/2013
Ooof, this fic is nearing its end, isn't it? Very good buildup, and a good chapter in and of itself. Orson...and Janx...;-;
Gunlord500 chapter 11 . 4/29/2013
Hey Basilikos! It's great to see you again. Good luck with finals :D Concentrate on that first tho, fic can always wait XD In any case though, another good chapter...the interaction between Janx and Lyon/Demon King continues to be interesting :o Keep at it, my friend! :D
Gunlord500 chapter 10 . 1/10/2013
Ooh, nother nice chapter...I can't wait for the next, tho, I really wanna find out what Janx is gonna to t-t
The Musing Airhead chapter 9 . 12/2/2012
Oh ho ho, what are you going to do Janx? :} The choice is yours... Make is count... hee hee hee... AHAHAHAHA!... Sorry, that was a really bad evil laugh...

Oh, hurry. I just can't wait!
The Musing Airhead chapter 8 . 12/2/2012
This may seem weird, but I'm kind of glad Janx cracked. I don't think he could've done much holding in that in. I also liked how you made his sister, um, not like a ditz... Good, good chapters!
The Musing Airhead chapter 7 . 12/2/2012
I like how this shows how thing in Renias are, and I like the small family conversation. I can just see it happening.
The Musing Airhead chapter 6 . 12/2/2012
Oh, so very sorry with reading and reviewing! Just been busy... and lazy...

Well, I'm so glad Janx left that darn castle, I thought he was going to kill himself already. And he's now home. I'm glad at least he still has a family to go to.
Gunlord500 chapter 9 . 11/18/2012
Yay, I'm glad to see you again :D At least you're still workin on this, and I liked this chapter too...I wonder if he'll go through with the poisoning or not. Cant wait to see :D
Gunlord500 chapter 8 . 9/25/2012
Ya-hoo, another chapter from you :D Not much to say here except I liked the sibling relationship between Janx and Asher in this chapter...very well done IMO :D
Gunlord500 chapter 7 . 9/9/2012
Hehe, a shorty but a goody. Very good portrayal of how the country is declining while Orson does nothing...
Gunlord500 chapter 6 . 8/30/2012
Not much to say other than I liked this chapter as well (great descriptions of the undead servants), I look forwards to seeing more of Janx's family, and good luck with skool :D
The Musing Airhead chapter 5 . 8/26/2012
Another good chapter! I wonder what will become of Janx now. And is there more guards and/or servants there? Or is it just him?
The Musing Airhead chapter 4 . 8/26/2012
You should have left the marionette tied up, Janx. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Man, now that Orson arrived, what will happen next... I shall read on.
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