Reviews for Seven Deadly Loves: Wrath
Guest chapter 3 . 6/10
This story is amazing. I love how Clove obviously feels more for Peeta than she realizes, but I honestly can't tell if he actually likes her or is only with her because of their past. Please update soon!
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 5 . 4/28/2018
Oh gosh, I don't know what to do, I am ADDICTED to this story but there are no more chapters :'( !
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEAAASSSEEE write more! This story has such a unique premise, I've never seen anything like it! Fantastic job with the character development. I LOVE the relationship you've built between Clove and Peeta, and I am probably going to come back to this fic a thousand times to re-read it and hope for more chapters. The flashback to their childhood was so poignant, I read it three times before I decided it was one of the best things I had ever read. GREAT job! :D PLEASE update this story again! I am dying to know what happens next :D !
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 4 . 4/28/2018
WOW - what an incredible chapter. Wonderful writing and dialogue! I love the banter between Clove and Peeta!
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 3 . 4/28/2018
LOL totally loves the GoT cameo with Gendry.
So I am TOTALLY now shipping Peeta and Clove in this story, btw. I don't know how you turned a hard core Clato shipper into someone cheering for Cleeta (is that even the pairing name?) but I blame your wonderful writing. I really hope Peeta saves Clove instead of Katniss!
Incredible job :)
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 2 . 4/28/2018
What a unique fic! Such an interesting plot line! I am totally a Clato shipper, but I've read some really interesting Clove and Peeta interactions in those fics, so when I went searching for a CLove and Peeta fic I found this and man am I glad I did! What incredible writing and plot work, can't wait to see what happens next!
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 1 . 4/28/2018
WOW! What an interesting concept. I can't wait to read more!
Guest chapter 5 . 5/15/2017
Oh my god I just reread this fic and it is perfect, your characterization is beautiful. I LOVE how you wrote Peeta, he is in character but just a darker side of him. And I love how he still can't deny his attraction to Katniss and how Clove handles it, how you set up the training academies in District 2, honestly everything. Sadly, it is unfinished but that's okay :)
SillyName chapter 5 . 6/24/2013
Im dying to nowhow youre gonna ens this, because there is a chance for you ending this, right? Its one of those fics when, for once, you dont quite know how it will finish. Clove could die protecting Peeta,who would end up with Katniss in a dramatic fashion, or Peeta and clove could survive but then, Katniss and her partner will have to foght them, and then someone will die. Or maybe Peeta and Katniss could survive and clove, die. See, yo had to finish it!
Guest chapter 4 . 6/24/2013
Pleasee, update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
It was really good. You portrayed tje characters really well, it feels like oh, eight, she is clove and thats how she is. Same qith Peeta.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/31/2012
I really love this story! It's so in character even though Peeta is really different (In a good way!) it's such a beautiful pairing and I love the fascination he has with Katniss. It's just...amazing. Please update soon! :)
kanemi chapter 5 . 11/8/2012
Honestly, really enjoying this. Stories like this are why I especially enjoy AUs. Seeing kind, gentle Peeta as a Career is awesome, and I am loving the relationship he has with Clove. I love that you expand upon Clove's character, showing her as a multi-faceted person without softening her. I have a feeling that her relationship with Peeta will come to a bad end, which makes me sad, but I think the ride will be a blast. Definitely favorited.
not for granted chapter 5 . 11/7/2012
Clove is a complete sociopath, but what you've hinted at with her past and Peeta's, it is perfectly justified and horribly sad. Beginning to think that Peeta may have a death-wish. Well, more so than he did in the books.

I think they do actually love each other, and that the scenes between them are quite well written. Especially poignant comparison between them and Glimmer/Marvel.

Hope your travels went well, and looking forward to the updates.

Continue the good work.
TLCullen132 chapter 5 . 11/7/2012
This new Game confuses her but she trusts his decisions within it. The Capitol loved him, us. Strategy is strategy no matter how different.

I think in her own sociopathic heart she loves him. You've given us plenty of examples to prove it. She just doesn't want to recognize it...

Ninja Master chapter 4 . 10/7/2012
Another awesome ch!
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