Reviews for Loving You
Guest chapter 62 . 7/29/2019
I love your story! It does need a good edit for minor grammar issues. Other than that it is wonderful. I’m a little unclear why Nanika and Killua’s sister both died.
LuciferWho chapter 4 . 7/20/2019
Okay not going to lie to you, I like the idea of this story however killua wouldn’t put up with any of this feels bs when they barely know each other at this point
edwin147 chapter 1 . 1/20/2019
is so cool
Guest chapter 59 . 12/8/2018
Are you going to continue this, its a really good story if you are i hope they find a way to heal mana cause this is hitting me in my feels man
Guest chapter 30 . 7/14/2018
Im guessing since its been like a year your not going to continue this but it is an amazing story
trepidon chapter 26 . 7/16/2017
Interesting, borderline M id say
trepidon chapter 25 . 7/16/2017
Th is is a good story! Love it!
trepidon chapter 8 . 7/16/2017
Now this, is quite a twist!
Guest chapter 57 . 4/7/2016
Aww! That's cute! I can't wait for the next update!
Melissa the kawaii yandere chapter 57 . 4/5/2016
They have their first child :D
Meh chapter 55 . 1/18/2016
So, even Alluka can't cure her? Hmmm...
I don't want Mana to die! Can't someone do something about it?
Killua and Mana are sooooo cute together. It hurts if she dies. What will happen to Killua then? Are they going to have children? What will happen to those children then?
Vere chapter 55 . 1/14/2016
Hey! TwT. ...I'm reaching the end... why does it have to be sad.'s just that I'm not used to it yet although I have nothing against it. Anyway, this kinda sound stupid but can't Alluka cure Mana? Well just asking tho. Kay! Ja!
FairyHunterEileen chapter 55 . 1/13/2016
Hola perdón si no hablo en inglés (sé muy poco .)
No mates a Mana!
1- Porque ella tiene muchas ganas de vivir y vivir junto a Killua.
2- Porque Killua fue tan valiente para amar a alguien que sabía que iba a morir.
3- Porque ambos se lo merecen, después de haber esperado tantos años por estar juntos.
4- Por poder haber reprimido sus sentimientos hasta ahora.
5- Por ser tan valientes de intentar llevar una relación al nivel de casarse aún con la enfermedad de Mana.

Esas y muchas más razones que ahora mismo no me vienen a la cabeza; ¡Mana se gano el derecho a vivir! ¡Y Killua el derecho de estar con la mujer que ama! Así que por favor Piénsalo.

Posdata: Soy de Argentina, muchos besos y las mejores de las suertes :3
Caliope07 chapter 53 . 1/4/2016
can you put eightteen year old Killua in your dA?
I want to see him!
Guest chapter 53 . 1/3/2016
finally wooho
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