Reviews for Sarah Versus the Farm
bigfan22 chapter 11 . 4/16
Damn shame this fic was never finished. It was well written, has an engaging storyline and I love the way you wrote Chuck. He's def seems to be smarter and more competent than the canon version, while still remaining the shy/lovable nerd we are all used to. While I doubt this story will ever be finished, I do hope one day your muse will return to you and you will get a chance to come back to this incredible story. Till then...thanks for giving us what you have already written and Great Job!
Charahfsn chapter 11 . 3/30
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come back to this story. I love what you have done with the characters, the setting is amazing and you show all of them in a human light. It's been an amazing read and I to see it go further .
Guest chapter 11 . 3/27
It's a pitty you never finished this. It's one of the rare 'actually' good fanfics for Chuck.
SomethingSemperDux chapter 11 . 3/11
Please update this story! I have really enjoyed it and would absolutely love more!
Guest chapter 11 . 10/24/2019
This is an amazing story. I know it's been a long while and I'm not sure if you are reading these reviews anymore. Just in case I wanted to say I absolutely love this story. Its brilliant and o e of the best Chuck AU I've read. I'm definitely bookmarking this just in case you continue. Thank you for writing this.
Joebook48 chapter 11 . 9/29/2019
9/29/19—-just finished chapter 11
Good work so far
Guest chapter 11 . 9/21/2019
I’ve enjoyed your “Farm” story several times and concur with all of your reviewers that you have created/started an amazing and wonderful masterpiece Chuck and Sarah AU adventure. I consider this story to be one of the ten best Chuck FF stories I have ever read. It now appears something serious and significant has changed the course of your life and kept you from updating/completing this story for more than five years. I sincerely hope you are doing well and are able to handle whatever challenge or drama it was that life dealt you. I would also like to respectfully offer a suggestion that many other excellent FF writers have acted on when unable to complete an excellent but unfinished story. Find and pass control/responsibility for the story (along with your unpublished or partial chapters and your draft plot timeline/work notes) over to another talented FF writer who would like the challenge of writing/publishing a dozen or more chapters and completing your story. I think there are many excellent Chuck FF writer candidates that could handle this exciting challenge and who may be willing to volunteer, to include Grayroc, Steampunk Chuckster, WvonB, SarahsSupplyCloset and several others. The fleshing out and finishing of this amazing masterpiece would be a great service to the entire Chuck FF community.
nire47 chapter 11 . 4/20/2019
I know that the story has not been updated in a while but I sure hope you might still get back to this. You left this at a cliffhanger.
Majestic chapter 11 . 1/21/2019
Oh man, why did you stop updating? This is hands down best Chuck/Sarah story. Well written, gripping and surprisingly fresh arc I couldn’t put down. This feels like it was written by a pro writer. Good job. Please consider finishing this story.
Berksboy chapter 11 . 1/15/2019
A damn good story, very detailed throughout (Liked the in depth description of Chuck's property and land) writer has done there homework it seems with props etc.
As i have said time and again, i much prefer AU's and this is no exception, good premise, something different.
Such a shame that the road ends here, worth a read, long chapters mind you but would have been nice how it all panned out :(
EvilSamurai chapter 11 . 11/2/2018
After all this time I feel like I can safely assume this is abandoned, which is a shame. I had just finished you other novel length endeavor when I saw this and just had to jump in, even knowing it was unfinished. I’m a sucker for AU’s with an interesting/original premise. So I feel compelled to share some thoughts with you, even if you have left this site behind you for greener pastures.

I wanted to commend you for your thoughtful handling of the characters. Despite the whirlwind nature of the romance here I very much enjoyed the level of introspection you brought to both of our heroes. Fluff stories have their place, but it is always intoxicating to me to take a deep dive into the thoughts and motivations of a character, especially one as multilayered as Sarah. I won’t run on any longer, but if it means anything, know that your work has entertained at least one more Chuck fan.
Grayroc chapter 1 . 10/15/2018
A while back I swore I wouldn't favorite a story that wasn't complete. But there is always an exception to the rule. This story is that exception. I'm making it an exception because it is a fascinating story, and because I sure hope your muse moves you to complete it.
formerPE chapter 11 . 8/27/2018
Thank you for your efforts and a great story. Like others, I'd love to see where it goes if you ever get the inspiration and drive to continue even 4 years later. Things I specifically liked:
- The inverted the cover/real relationship tension from Sarah's point of view. Chuck still fears that the relationship he wants to be real might not be. But in your AU, rather than fearing the revelation of her true feelings, Sarah fears Chuck won't believe them. To me the struggle seems deeper and richer this way.
- Lines from the show are worked into the story, albeit in different but appropriate circumstances. It keeps the universes connected.
- Characters from the show have roles that fit them well in the AU.
- The details. I learn about things I know little to nothing about, like crop dusting. Having grown up in CA many years ago (60's and 70's), I appreciate my memories of watching those planes far more.
I came very late to the Chuck party, watching my first episode in 2016. As a result, it still is a relatively fresh experience.
xxx Rob M xxx chapter 11 . 1/30/2018
Okay, as this is probably among my all time favorite Chuck stories, I'm really writing this review in the hopes it will be the one that gets you to come back and finish, because it's fantastic!

I really love the version of Chuck you've created here. By making him a pilot and a country boy, he has a skill set that makes him feel capable of being out in the field on missions, but he's not so competent that he overshadows Casey and Sarah. He still feels like Chuck to me, and he still needs Sarah to watch out for him as he gets used to the rules in this new world.
More than that, I really enjoy the fact that this Chuck pushes back against the things being done to him that he sees as wrong. He doesn't just passively accept being made an asset and treated like property.

The best part though, is you've done something that very few Chuck authors manage to've put Chuck and Sarah together, in a relationship, very early in the story, but by playing with these themes of trust between the characters, you've managed to keep all the tension between them. I like that you didn't sacrifice the drama for the sake of fluff...

...and now Chuck has to reconcile the idea of the woman he's falling for also being the woman who might put a bullet in his head, while Sarah deals with the idea of possibly having to kill the man whose come to mean so much to her. This was obviously leading to a watershed moment where Sarah has to choose between Chuck and her job, and I really hope we get to see that story play out someday.

I know after four years the chances you'll come back to finish it are unlikely, in which case, thank you for eleven amazing chapters, but I really hope, somewhere in the back of your head, the urge to finish this is still bouncing around and that maybe one day we'll get to see the entire story play out..'s hoping!
Raycd chapter 11 . 7/24/2017
A real crime that this story was never finished. Just found it and decided to read, even knowing it was not complete. A little wordy in places, but well written and excellent plot line.
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