Reviews for What's in a Name?
AutomatonFlux chapter 1 . 7/23/2012

This was hilarious. Short and silly admittedly but, I much enjoyed the hearty laugh. Thank you.
KadeSmash85 chapter 1 . 7/12/2012
Omg I laughed so hard I drooled a little...

Genius. Pure genius.

MoiraM chapter 1 . 7/1/2012
That was great! I needed a good laugh! Yes it's silly, but sometimes silly is what we need!
Taiki chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
Nice. That was very funny I was in tears from the laughing. Later.
AlexN7 chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
Oh this was just fantastic, don't take it down!

I read this at work and lol'd for real, now my coworkers think i'm crazy.

My fave goes to Steve and the reference to Assassin's Creed, my next favorte game after mass effect! And Jack. How could you not like Jack?

Well done. Keep 'em coming!
thedeadflag chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Oh Jacob...the priiiize...and tesstess...come on, guy.

Loved Jack's, as simple as it was. She doesn't really beat around the bush.

Also got a kick out of EDI and Miranda's choices...Shesoni XD

Ahhh, nothing like some silly reading to make sundays a little brighter.
Tayg chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Absolutely hysterical .. muahahahahaha.

I think Jack takes the cake though. Special mention for Kal-El though .. priceless.
RubyNorman chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
This is so hilarious. I LOL like crazy in the middle of the night. Great job.
Broken Trident chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
¡Ay, caramba! FTW!

Now we only need to give Javik poncho and a huge sombrero!

This fic made my day! Thanks!
dwead-piwate-meggers chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Jacob wins this round for me. 'German' Shepard, good Lord. Please don't take this down. It's fantastic.
Awska chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Good, needed chuckles. Especially “Hermione” killed me…Sam as a HP fangirl 3
Infinite Carnage chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
A very good light hearted story, nice :)
Theodur chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Argh. Can't. Stop. Laughing... argh! Bwahahahah!

So... judging by these 'suggestions' everyone pretty mushc unanimously hates Shepard at this point in time? :D

...must say, in case of Chakwas, I'm not bloody surprised! ;)
Theodosius chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Haha, that was hilarious! I especially loved Joker's three suggestions, as well as the Assassin's Creed and Star Wars references. And EDI in her desperate attempt to help comes up with those three... And Jack - always with her rather odd sense of humor! And Shepard asked the very question I thought myself: Who the hell thought Javik Spanish? That was priceless. Thanks so much for the laugh!
bluewasabi24 chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Ahahaha! Chewbaca Shepard! XD
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