Reviews for Iron Grip
Scarlet Nerd chapter 20 . 7/15
absolutely completely brilliant story. Just. Brilliant 3
CrystalQueen187 chapter 13 . 5/20
This was a really interesting backstory. And I think his motivation is much more realistic than the "revenge" motivations the Merlin villains usually have.
CrystalQueen187 chapter 7 . 5/20
I have a feeling that maybe Merlin's interpenetration was wrong and the amulet doesn't actually mind-control people but does something else. That's just a guess though.
CrystalQueen187 chapter 6 . 5/20
You were being subtle. That was an awesome twist!
x-rayLady chapter 21 . 5/11
Angsty! But really nice :-)

I guess you never did get around to writing that sequel, huh? Or did you?
7kstar chapter 1 . 5/9
Poor Merlin in a pickle
7kstar chapter 21 . 5/9
Don't know if your still creating stories or not, but loved the pairing. Had nice humor, enjoyable plot and kept us guessing.

We do need more stories with Gwaine and Merlin. Some missed opportunities on the show.
Nebula chapter 21 . 4/4
broken5pieces chapter 21 . 10/10/2019
Awesome with a capital everything
broken5pieces chapter 6 . 10/9/2019
Aw shucks...
Guest chapter 5 . 10/9/2019
This was definitely going to take some getting used to. But it was so exciting! Treasonous, but exciting. He bit back a grin at the thought of the illegality of what they were doing.

*rolls eyes* only Gwaine, I'm sure. Just kidding! I'm bouncing up and down be bed in anticipation. Love this!


Come on your story is so good I have to review twice in one chappie!
broken5pieces chapter 5 . 10/9/2019
"Right. Is that why you're making this potion in the middle of Uther's bedroom?"

Ok. There you go. This entire sentence is the cause of my untimely death. This sentence is the reason I have lost control of my limbs and why I am flailing around like a rubber duck. This is the sentence that had made me choke on air and turn my face red because of LAUGHTER for 10 minutes straight.

And this is the sentence that has made my day... well technically night at 2AM
Guest chapter 21 . 7/20/2019
Gwaine: We've all been bloody idiots
Me: I know right
Guest chapter 17 . 7/20/2019
Its Freya isnt it
Mika chapter 21 . 6/1/2019
Fantastic. Loved the meeting with Kilgharrah and Freya. I was so hooked that I selfishly didn't stop to review each chapter - I apologize. I loved the way Kilgharrah and Freya interacted with Gwaine and Arthur, it was such spot-on characterization of both magical characters. I loved the final chapter. I loved that the conclusion wasn't rainbows and puppies all around with an immediate change from magic hating to magic legalising. I think the gradual change is more comfortable for the kingdom and also for Merlin as he pointed out himself. I'm glad Gwaine and Percival and Gwen and Arthur are going to be able to be there for Merlin now anyhow and even if he's still in the shadows more or less at least he has the support of his friends whilst he remains behind the scenes. Thank you for this wonderful story.
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