Reviews for into cinders
JayLiyah chapter 1 . 7/10
Damn. I'm really impressed right now. Like... damn. I'm at a loss for words. Brilliant.
Scyllia chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
Very impressive! It was flowy and wild and you made it so easy to feel everything the characters were feeling.
TheLiterateCrawdad chapter 1 . 7/27/2012
The poetry of this is on par with Markus Zusak. It's beautiful, there's just not much else you can say about it. This is a fantastic piece. Thank you for writing it.
skioctober chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
This was intense and beautiful and splendidly written.

What else can I say?
dtihanyi chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
I love your style! it's wonderful3
grizzlybairparty chapter 1 . 7/2/2012
This is freaking poetic.
steel-trap chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
The imagery you created in this was stunning. Great work.
hrgirl chapter 1 . 6/26/2012
That was beautiful!
Mythian chapter 1 . 6/25/2012
This was, simply speaking, a breathtaking piece of work. You have a very lyrical sense about your writing. It's quite lovely. I'm glad you're proud of this piece. As you should be.

The only point of contention I have is the last line. I think you probably could have ended with the line above and it would have worked just as well, more powerful even. If you wanted to add the aspect of the two hearts you can still do it there. For instance, "... and she decides the harmony, the steady cadence of two hearts, is her new favorite song."

Again, lovely piece. I hope to see more. Perhaps more detail concerning the scene with Aang and the other past avatars?
m3ggi3 chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
Gosh. Do you know how much I LOVE your writing? You have this amazing talent that lets you make music without sound and just makes me happy inside no matter what the story is. This is freaking beautiful!

Seriously.. I want to hug you right now. You beautiful person. Hugs and cookies and chocolate and all things amazing and beautiful and all of the awe inspiring things on this planet and the next because I love your writing.

Write more please! I can't get enough!

Meg xoxox
the ticking clock chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
only one word can describe this story: AMAZING.

good job :)
exquisitedarkness chapter 1 . 6/24/2012
very, very good. i love Korra's "second heart"; am I wrong to think it was the core of her fire bending? well written!
DawnieWrites chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
It's very beautifully written and is a gorgeous/amazing/interesting interpretation of the finale.

Fantastic job!
writingnow chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
This was just fantastic. Beautiful beautiful beautiful wonderful beautiful! You should be proud of it! I've always wanted to write something like this, because the reader does have to think for a second to understand some of it and I love that. The symbolism was absolutely lovely, and it was just overall amazing!

Ah, the finale.

Personally, the ending seemed a bit rushed, but that's my only complaint. It was pretty wonderful! :) I gasped, I laughed, I cried (especially when Tarrlok destroyed the boat x( I was torn up!) but I'm happy with it.

Again, wonderful job!
Whiggity chapter 1 . 6/23/2012
This was a very nice story; you've given it an impressive poetic touch. If I may give a suggestion, though - while your word choice and prose are admirable, you might consider giving the story just a *little* bit more structure. As it is, any understanding of the piece whatsoever depends on the reader having seen the finale themselves.

That's not to say that you should be catering to people who haven't seen the whole show yet, not at all - I mean that, as a rule, fanfiction is stronger the less it leans on reader having knowledge of the precise events and details of its source material. Give just a *little* more context and explanation. Words and snippets of thought and emotion are nice, but if you can step back and think, "Is this story still readable and enjoyable to someone who doesn't know the precise moments that it describes from the canon?" and then tailor it so that it is, you'll end up with a better story overall.

That's my only suggestion, though. Keep up the good work!
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