Reviews for Moonlight Butler and Midnight Secretary
HeartOfChaos13 chapter 9 . 7/15/2017
I hope that you will update this story and I like the part of the story when It's about J.P., Koji and Takuya. Are they Original Characters? If they are then I think you did a wonderful . Even If they aren't Original Characters you did a great job.
A Fan chapter 9 . 1/10/2016
The more I read the more of a fan I become. I like this world that you are building. I hope you decide to update soon.
Kingdom's Oathkeeper chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
Tranquil Manatee chapter 9 . 4/25/2014
Wow! Great chapter. Jellal's sadistic humour was a nice touch. And poor, poor Wendy.

The Zentopia Church's torture reminds me of what the Roman Catholic Church did to "heretics" and "witches."

And lol, Natsu is gay for Gray. I normally despise Natsu, but in your story Natsu is so likeable.
ReDux ReDo chapter 9 . 4/24/2014
Amazing! Lovely! Dark! Just plain... wait...
'man of its word'... you're a guy!
...oh god that came out wrong! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!
Umm, the c-chapter was amazing! I'm sorry!
Kori no Koibito chapter 9 . 4/24/2014
Oh my gods... Oh Wendy!
Gratsu met! Eeeeeeep!
Poor Lyon.
Oh dear Erza...
Juvia is creepy.
Someone kill Jellal. No one touches my Gray! *fumes*
Zentopia is shitty.
Graaaay! 27546 Supreet hawt great 27547
ReDux ReDo chapter 8 . 4/12/2014
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I loved this chapter on a variety of reasons! Every character, every scenario, and every interaction! Chu
As for you, don't worry! Everyone goes through theses things every day. God knows how long its been since I updated...
Kori no Koibito chapter 8 . 4/10/2014
oh, get well soon!
I finally read it! phew... so long!
loved the Erza part. and Graaaaaaaay! 33
and 9999you say? I bet I crossed that a long ago XD I and gray should already be married! where is my hawt ice mage werewolf! 3 XD
Someone gave me this nickname, so I am signing off with that.
Tranquil Manatee chapter 7 . 2/1/2014
Yo Emil! You gotta make JP less selfless. Let hi, care about himself more and be more self-centered. He has to express his feelings! XD

Also, I wanna see some Jerza interaction. A bit more romance please! Nice work though! Love the chapter.
Kori no Koibito chapter 7 . 1/27/2014
Whew! Loooong! XD huh... Natsu us being unreasonable. He should listen. Gray is hot as usual. Minor mistakes, I think you use words twice in a sentence. E.g. "and yet again you do it again." And I think you wrote Ms. Heartfilia somewhere, instead of Ms. Fernandez, probably at the end of the conversation between Lucy and Gray.
So yeah. *fangirling mode on!* Grrraaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy! Eeeeeeeeeep!
XForgottenEternityX chapter 6 . 12/30/2013
Woah. Angie! Now this is a surprise. Ahaha, the side notes are still funny, as always! That obnoxious.

I didn't think that the chapter would start out with a lemon. Erza is so romantic, yet is so alert for her brother! I can;t believe she got angry because he was went with Juvia..
So, is Zoe a ghost...partly because she died earlier on and Gray called her "a sly ghost"...because if that's the case, then I am truly happy! I seriously cried when I thought I wouldn't hear of her again!
Well thats just awesome! And Lisanna thinks she's ugly...poor her, I was just telling her to calm down but I guess Gray beat me to her, haha. Loved that moment between them. It was well displayed with comforting emotion! Oh! And I also liked the determination that Zoe and Gray show. They're perfect partners for a murder case!

Overall, great chapter! I liked it alot. But make sure you don't mix up your "where"s and "were"s as I spotted some earlier.
See you later.
Sestivas chapter 1 . 12/16/2013
Hi there,

this is quite well done,

yet there are a few grammar mistakes.
and the story is kind of like.. everywhere and nowhere.
I'll keep this bookmarked and look forward to ur improvements :)
ReDux ReDo chapter 6 . 11/6/2013
I absolutely love this! Cant wait for the second chapter!
Kori no Koibito chapter 6 . 11/4/2013
hey! long time no see! sup these days?
as for the chapter... whoa! what... just... all I could say is update soon!
Kyto Touche chapter 6 . 11/4/2013
Lucy was uhm... dreaming of that...?
okay Lucy, quiet erotic here aren't we? xD
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