Reviews for Disguises and Dreams
Guest chapter 10 . 1/5
- After all these years are you still waiting for an update?
- Always
bellatrix996 chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
When you told me you will update this fic you made my day and my life, seriously. I'm still waiting for it, I love, LOVE this story.

The truth is that during this year I've stopped reading fics because I'm tired and I don't like Bellamione anymore. But at the same time, every mail I recive I'm hopeful that it will be a notification of this fic. Your story saved me from reality when I needed it most and I will always be grateful. I love your Bella more than I love my friends haha (haha but is a hundred percent true).

So if you could give us a new chapter, there would be tears of joy. Lots of love!
Black1980 chapter 1 . 8/12/2019
Update pleaaaaseeee!
BellamioneLover chapter 10 . 5/1/2019
I actually love this fanfic more than my life. Please, tell us you're gonna come back!
EchoTheHybrid chapter 10 . 4/29/2019
I want more
BellaMadameLestrange chapter 10 . 4/7/2019
Please, please, please, this is my favourite fanfic ever, I've read it dozens of times -without exaggerating- tell me you'll update it. For me, this is so much more than just another fanfic...
snape.granger.fanfic chapter 10 . 3/21/2019
Do hope you continue very much enjoying this though I would like to see some of her old personality popping up as a mad Bellatrix is a hot Bellatrix.
Dakdak2016 chapter 10 . 2/14/2019
really hope you come back to this fic loved what you had so far
bellatrix996 chapter 10 . 12/26/2018
I looove this storie sooo much! I enjoyed it more than the original books (because there's a lot of Bella haha). I know it's been a long, but I hope one day you'll continue with it, please, please, please!
Guest chapter 10 . 4/22/2017
I'm glad there will be an update, but no pressure. I know juggling work, social time, and you time can be rough but you'll eventually find a way to juggle it all. Best of luck Bucky, looking forward to future installments.
AraGio chapter 9 . 4/9/2017
Please update soon. Thank you!
AraGio chapter 10 . 2/27/2017
Please update soon. Thank you!
nicolegator123 chapter 10 . 2/7/2017
I love this story so much and it is absolutely amazing please update it.
yohas chapter 10 . 7/24/2016
pls continue
Kcapp chapter 10 . 6/27/2016
I am so happy that I found this story! I agree that it is just a light hearted version of TGCWW! I am excited that you are continuing the story, can't wait to read more!
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