Reviews for First Light
Liquid Fire and Molten Gold chapter 2 . 7/4/2014
Ooooooh please continue! So fricken good!
Talon5Krrde chapter 2 . 3/24/2013
Interesting story. More please!
Wordlurker chapter 2 . 3/21/2013
Very nice. And potentially very bloody, because I have this feeling that Thedas is going to aggravate Shepard's nerves quite badly, and she seems to have issues with taking shit from people.

I wonder how badly she'd react if Duncan tries to conscript her. That could get extraordinarily messy. Or if the Templars try to take her in. Ouch.

All in all, this looks very interesting. I'm adding it to my Follow Story list.
artilyon-rand chapter 2 . 1/28/2013
oh plzz update
artilyon-rand chapter 1 . 1/28/2013
Phygmalion chapter 2 . 12/22/2012
An impressive story. I hope to see more from it in the future. Great job!
Galexz chapter 2 . 12/4/2012
Impressive. Yep that sums it up right there. I really love this story! The details are great and the characterization is fantastic (Your Merrill i excellent!) I hope you will continue with this story!
SilverFoxQueen chapter 2 . 11/27/2012
This would make for a very interesting character type. Shep has some hand to hand, some dagger (omni-blade), magic/biotic experience, but she can also wear much heavier armor than a regular mage could, and would feel better in it than mage robes, as you put forth here. This makes for some very interesting scenarios and battles.
SilverFoxQueen chapter 1 . 11/27/2012
This is a rather interesting idea you have here. Especially since Shep had no guns with her, it would be fairly easy to not make her overpowered, since biotics are very close to magic in a way. I would be very interested to see where this story would go, if you decide to continue it.
Gamerof1458 chapter 2 . 10/14/2012
Quite an interesting crossover you got here. You don't skimp out on any of the details, the narration is solid, and I can honestly picture this Commader Shepard about to embark on an epic journey of a$$-kicking and darkspawn slaying. A little problem I had, personally mind you, is that I just don't like it when an origin character is cut out of the loop to make way for the new character. Course, seeing as it's only the second chapter, I might be jumping ahead. Seeing a character Warden and Commander interact would be quite interesting to see. I hope for great things out of this. Good luck.
Wyolake chapter 2 . 8/28/2012
I like this. You've got a wrecking ball of a Shephard who's suddenly shown up in a place that requires delicateness, and she promptly steps in it. And now she needs to figure out what's going on with the place she's in, and maybe figure out how to get back home.

This is a nice contrast with Stars Fade (which is very good in its own way).

Please, if you have the time and energy, keep working on this.
Dragonfire81 chapter 2 . 8/16/2012
Very entertaining story cant wait for more
Guest chapter 2 . 7/16/2012
great start, i hope you update soon
Pirate Ninjas of the Abyss chapter 2 . 7/12/2012
I like it, its definitely interesting and a good idea for a story. It was funny seing how she reacted to everyone, space Amish? Lol. Along another topic is Shepard's combat effectiveness. Honestly I think it might take some practice, she may be an N7 but she has never used medieval weapons before or had the tactics and training on how to use them, she was trained with technology and guns in mind (Meaning a person can be the best hockey player in the world but it won't matter if he is in a figure skating competition.) Also she has never experienced this kind of fighting before, close quarters combat is far more brutal and mentally taxing in ways (I don't care how hardened she is, this style of personal, brutal combat will effect her heavily). Finally her biotics can keep her alive for awhile but besides that she is going to need some serious training in just about everything. Plus in combat biotics only last for so long before you can't keep up the strain of using them, and in hand-to-hand battles there is no cover to hid behind and rest yourself for another biotic attack. Also she won't be given the chance to stand still to use her biotics in the first place. So it should be interesting to see how she copes with the handicap. So good update and good story. I love realism!
Rc1212 chapter 2 . 7/7/2012
Well, this is interesting.

I look forward to seeing where this goes.
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